“My Health” card ensures privacy of patient and preserves his health record

The Health Assurance Act issued in 2018 ensures the provision of health requirements for citizens and residents and the achievement of comprehensive health coverage in the Kingdom of Bahrain, which contributes to the provision of a high-quality integrated health system that is resilient, the ability to evolve and meet the aspirations of the environs Handy, and attractive for investment in the health sector.

Bahrain: The Health Assurance Act issued in 2018 ensures the provision of health requirements for citizens and residents and the achievement of comprehensive health coverage in the Kingdom of Bahrain, which contributes to the provision of a high-quality integrated health system that is resilient, the ability to evolve and meet the aspirations of the environs Handy, and attractive for investment in the health sector.

The National Health Assurance Program aims to provide efficient, highest quality health services, guaranteeing the freedom for all to choose a health service provider, as well as providing fair and competitive health services within a framework that protects the rights of all parties.

The Supreme Council of Health has initiated the implementation of the self-management project of primary healthcare centres in Muharaq Governorate as a first trial phase, and then it will be sold to the rest of the governorates, where the wearers of these centres can now choose their doctor through the “Choose Your Doctor” program; a preliminary For issuing and distributing health cards to the people of these health centres.

The “Choose Your Doctor” program and the issuance of health cards is one of the executive initiatives of the National Health Care Development Program, which aims to develop the health institutional structure in the Kingdom of Bahrain to be competitive and of high quality.

The card has many advantages, most prominent of which it ensures access to all basic health services, enables access to the health file of the cardholder, ensuring his privacy; this means the investment of modern technologies, including the card’s electronic sim to run out to a For a patient record to empower physicians and health service providers to provide.

The best therapeutic service for the cardholder enables the health service provider to run out of information related to the cardholder’s health record and diagnose and review the case to make the appropriate therapeutic decision.

The “My Health” card also includes the feature of identifying the family doctor of the cardholder and qualifies him for basic health services, which is a mandatory health package for citizens, which includes the provision of comprehensive health services without any financial or ceiling charge.

The ID card holder is important to enable the health service provider to stand on the basic data associated with the cardholder and the specific record to receive treatment and health records.


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