China: Chinese scientists have discovered a new type of “Langia Henipa” virus that is transmitted from animals (called the Langia Henipa virus, or Lani) that can infect humans, in eastern Shandong Province and Henan Province in the centre, according to “Sputnik”.
Doctors from China and Singapore stated in a study published in the “New England Journal of Medicine” that the new virus has so far infected 35 people in the two provinces.
The new type of HNIPA virus was found in throat swab samples of fever patients in eastern China with a history of recent contact with animals, according to media reports.
The scientists who participated in the study indicated that the newly discovered “Langia” virus, which may have been transmitted from animals, is linked to some cases of fever and that those infected have symptoms including fever, fatigue, cough, loss of appetite, muscle pain and nausea.
Further investigations found that 26 out of 35 Langia hnipa cases in Shandong and Henan provinces had clinical symptoms such as fever, irritability, cough, loss of appetite, muscle pain, nausea, headache and vomiting.
Henipa viruses are one of the main emerging causes of zoonoses in the Asia-Pacific region, according to the Shanghai-based newspaper, The Paper, noting that both the Hendra and Nipah virus are of this genus; Both viruses are known to infect humans and fruit bats are the natural hosts for both viruses.
Henipa viruses can cause severe disease in animals and humans and are classified as level 4 biosafety viruses with case fatality rates ranging between 40% and 75%, according to data from the World Health Organization, and this is much higher than the mortality rate for people infected with the Coronavirus that causes disease. “Covid-19”.
Wang Linfa, a professor in the Emerging Infectious Diseases Program at Duke Noss College of Medicine who participated in the study, said that the Langia hanipa virus cases so far have not been fatal or very dangerous, so there is no need to panic.
But there is still cause for caution, as many viruses found in nature have unexpected results when they infect humans. There is currently no vaccine or treatment for HNIPA, and the only treatment is supportive care to manage complications.
No large spatial or temporal assemblies have been found for the outbreak of the “Langia haniba” virus so far, which means that human-to-human transmission of the virus has not been proven, although previous reports indicate that the virus can be transmitted from person to person.
“The coronavirus will not be the last infectious disease to cause a global pandemic, as new infectious diseases will have an increasingly greater impact on daily human life,” said Wang Xinyu, deputy chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital, affiliated with Fudan University.
It is important to stress that the scope of this type of disease should not be limited to human diseases but should be considered in a broader context, Wang added, noting that the concept of “one health” proposed by international organizations in recent years; It is a proposal and method aimed at achieving sustainable balance and improving the health of people, animals and ecosystems.