Bahrain: Under the auspices of her excellency Dr Jalila daughter of Mr Jawad Hassan, the Minister of Health, the Psychiatric Hospital has organized a number of events under the slogan “Mental Health and Welfare for All are Global”, which aim to highlight the importance of mental health and make it a priority for all With which luxury and tranquillity.
Dr Iman Haji Al-Qayim, Assistant Agent for Psychiatry and Healthcare for the Elderly, confirmed that this occasion is a breakthrough to make mental health a culture and a lifestyle for all, and she also emphasized the efforts of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the field of mental health and strategic work And a clear vision to raise the level of efforts and quality of services to comply with standards Universal and ensuring that individuals are access to the best health services.
Events held throughout the week included a lecture titled (People cooperate as below) aimed at women working in the health sector in cooperation with the Equal Opportunity Committee in the Ministry of Health, where Dr Amal Al-Jawder delivered an awareness lecture on teamwork skills and challenge The importance of working within a team spirit with what The Angjar and the goals mentioned in different institutions are achieved, as Ms Sharifa Al-Zayani shared a section on reviving popular heritage and the impact of folk arts on mental health and achieving the wellbeing of individuals by getting rid of stress and tension in daily life.