Dubai: According to local media reports, Two men – one from Kuwait and one from Syria immigrant – were arrested in Kuwait (Middle East) after being caught having sex inside a car, and the police of Kuwait caught them.
As per the police statement, the duo parked their car in a remote area.
After being further investigated, Syrian told police officers that the Kuwaiti promised him that he would help him in his driving license procedure only if he agreed to have sex with him.
However, police detained both of them, and they will be referred to the public prosecution for further legal actions.
The Article 193 of the Kuwaiti Penal Code criminalises consensual intercourse between men of full age (more than 21) with a term of imprisonment of up to seven years.
Article 192 also protects relationships involving men under 21 years of age.
Article 198 restricts public corruption by making a “lewd signal” in a public place. In 2008, the law was also expanded to outlaw “imitating the formation of a member of the opposite sex” with fines and or imprisonment.
In February 2022, Kuwait’s Constitutional Court rejected this clause, ruling that prosecuting persons under the code infringed their personal liberties and that the statute was overly broad.
This case comes under “lewd act”, and “lewd act” means: (A) any sexual contact with a child;
(B) knowingly revealing one’s genitalia, anus, buttocks, or female areola or nipple to a child by any means, including through any transmission technology, with an intention to misuse, disgrace, or degrade any person or to arouse or gratify the sexual.
(C) consciously communicating offensive language to a child by any means, including through any transmission technology, with an intention to abuse, insult, or spoil any person, or to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person; or
(D) any indecent conduct was accomplished with or in the presence of a child, including through any transmission technology, that amounts to a form of a sexual pollutant that is grossly vulgar, profane, and offensive to common propriety and tends to excite a sexual desire or deprave morals with respect to sexual relations.