Destruction of war monuments by Chinese company causes outrage among Serbian people

The destruction of a war memorial monument by a Chinese construction company in Serbia honouring the Serbian soldiers belonging to world war I and II while building a highway led to the situation of outrage in the nation, said the Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty.

Destruction of war monuments by Chinese company causes outrage among Serbian people
Destruction of war monuments by Chinese company causes outrage among Serbian people (image credits Facebook)

The destruction of a war memorial monument by a Chinese construction company in Serbia honouring the Serbian soldiers belonging to world war I and II while building a highway led to the situation of outrage in the nation, said the Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty.

As per the updates, there are very few statutes of the fallen world war I and II fighters remain in the current times. A Chinese construction company destroyed towering statues of the fighters near the village of Negrisori during they were working on a highway project. In addition, a plaque consisting of the names of over 150 Serbian soldiers was also taken down.

The destruction of the honourable statues has led to outrage among the people nationwide and caused anger in different communities. A resident from Negrisori named Nikola Calovic stated that he could not believe that someone had just destroyed a historical monument of the soldiers who gave their lives to the nation. He added that he would come forward to file a formal criminal complaint himself with the prosecutor’s office.

On the other hand, another Serbian resident expressed his thoughts and cited that he found himself in deep sorrow and literal tears after the incident as this was something unacceptable and inexplicable. He stated that “I have no such adequate thing to comment on such kind of act.”

He mentioned that he was born and brought up on the same land and considered the act as a sin which is committed against ancestors and the people who gave their precious lives for the sake of the country, Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty reported.

Furthermore, the destroyed monument was located in the way of the highway from which a Chinese contractor had a permit from the Protection of Cultural Monuments institute from Kraljevo to remove it, said another citizen named Lucani Mayor Milivoje Dolovic. He also pointed out that the dispute came into the picture when the Serbian Ministry of Construction has claimed that the company was authorised to take such actions.

According to the news sources, China Communications Construction Company has been also involved in trouble before as the World Bank had previously imposed sanctions against the sanctions over fraud in the Philippines, (MILAP NEWS NETWORK)


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