Royal Consulate-General of Saudi Arabia hosts a reception to celebrate Saudi Arabia National Day 2022

Saudi Arabia: A reception to celebrate the 92nd National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was held yesterday, by the Royal Consulate-General of Saudi Arabia, at the Hennessy Park Hotel, in Ebène.

Saudi Arabia: A reception to celebrate the 92nd National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was held yesterday, by the Royal Consulate-General of Saudi Arabia, at the Hennessy Park Hotel, in Ebène.

The President of the Republic of Mauritius, Mr Prithvirajsing Roopun; the Acting Prime Minister of the Republic of Mauritius, Minister of Housing and Land Use Planning, Minister of Tourism, Mr Louis Steven Obeegadoo; several Ministers and Members of the Diplomatic Corps were present.

The Vice-Consul General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Mauritius, Mr Khalid Alotaibi, who spoke on behalf of the Consul General of the Royal Consulate-General of Saudi Arabia to the Republic of Mauritius, Mr Ahmed Abdulaziz M. Bin Salamah, recalled that this annual celebration is marked by the commemoration of the unification of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ever since its founding by Late King Abdul Aziz and up until the era of King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Prince Mohammad Bin Salman.


Since its foundation, he highlighted, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has always catered for the establishment of political, economic and cultural relations with several countries and has played a prominent role in the creation of regional and international organisations founded on the principles of international peace and security.

On this score, Mr Alotaibi underlined that as per the United Nations Financial Tracking Service, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia constitutes one of the world’s top donor countries in terms of humanitarian and relief aid across the world, and is ranked third on the global level and first at the level of Arab countries. “It is, therefore, our right to be proud of what we have achieved in terms of political, economic, cultural, social and humanitarian milestones,” he pointed out.

Speaking of the bilateral relations between Saudi Arabia and Mauritius, the Vice Consul General indicated that these relations are grounded on strong friendship ties, joint cooperation and mutual interests shared by both countries.

“The relations between both countries have been of much interest to senior officials in view of strengthening our bonds of friendship and comprehensive cooperation in all fields aiming at the achievement of further prosperity for our two nations,” Mr Alotaibi added.


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