Israeli Forces Face Escalating Threat from Roadside Bombs in West Bank

Captain Alon Sacgiu, aged 22 and serving as a sniper team commander in the Kfir Brigade’s Haruv reconnaissance unit, met his untimely demise in an explosion on June 27 at the Jenin refugee camp

Swedish Citizens Sentenced to Death in Iraq Spark Diplomatic Concerns

The Swedish Foreign Ministry, vehemently opposed to the death penalty under any circumstances, has expressed profound concern and is actively engaged in efforts to prevent the sentences from being carried out

Hezbollah Commander Killed in Southern Lebanon Strike; Escalating Tensions Prompt Fears of War

The strike, which occurred late Tuesday in the town of Jouya, intensified the already high tensions between the two adversaries, leading to a barrage of rockets fired from Lebanon into Northern Israel

Israel’s ‘Intense Operation’ Threat Looms Near Lebanon Amidst Gaza Talks in Qatar

The Israeli military is investigating why the alarm system failed to sound as the drones breached Israel’s airspace and why no interception was made. Preliminary findings suggest the projectiles were launched intermittently, with some striking a football field in the Druze village of Horfeish

Israel and Hezbollah Exchange Heavy Fire, Lebanon Sources Report

The assault was reportedly a retaliation for Israeli strikes on Lebanese villages, including one that tragically claimed the lives of at least two individuals, including an 11-year-old girl, in Hanin the day before

Israel Confirms Responsibility for Assassination of Hamas Deputy Leader in Lebanon

In a bold and unprecedented move, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has officially acknowledged...

Lebanon’s Hezbollah destroys surveillance cameras on Israel Border

In a recently released video, Lebanon's militant group Hezbollah claimed on Monday it had started destroying surveillance cameras on many Israeli forces posts along the Border as tension rose following the Israel-Hamas conflict that began on October 7.

Lebanon military court orders 160 years jail term for ISIS official 

Imad Yassin, a 50-year-old Palestinian linked with the ISIS terrorist group sentenced to 160 years jail term by Lebanon military court.

27 Migrants prevented from sinking on the Lebanon coast

The troops from Lebanon rescued the illegal migrants who were occupying a sinking boat. Troops were included from the civil defence forces and the Lebanese army .

Saudi Crown Prince & French President discussed importance of stabilizing energy & food supply markets

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz and French President Emmanuel Macron discussed in Paris the importance of stabilizing energy and food supply markets and stressed the need to deepen the investment partnership between the two countries, according to a joint final statement published by the Saudi Press Agency.

Lebanon PM due to visit Saudi Arabia after four years

The Prime Minister of Lebanon, Najib Mikati, is set to visit Saudi Arabia anytime within the next two weeks, the first trip by a Lebanese PM to the Arab powerhouse after almost four years following a clash in relations.

Kuwait set to restart visas for Lebanese

Cairo: As per the Kuwait sources, Kuwait is expecting to open their visas following...

Saudi, Kuwait, Yemen officials meet to ease ongoing tensions

Riyadh: Last Thursday, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Kuwait declared a return to their ambassadors to...

Latest articles

Israeli Forces Face Escalating Threat from Roadside Bombs in West Bank

Captain Alon Sacgiu, aged 22 and serving as a sniper team commander in the Kfir Brigade’s Haruv reconnaissance unit, met his untimely demise in an explosion on June 27 at the Jenin refugee camp

Swedish Citizens Sentenced to Death in Iraq Spark Diplomatic Concerns

The Swedish Foreign Ministry, vehemently opposed to the death penalty under any circumstances, has expressed profound concern and is actively engaged in efforts to prevent the sentences from being carried out

Turkey Closes Border as Anti-Syrian Violence Escalates, Four Dead in Clashes

The incident, reportedly involving the sexual assault of a seven-year-old Turkish girl by a Syrian man, triggered widespread protests in several Turkish cities, including Kayseri, Hatay, Gaziantep, Konya, Bursa, and Istanbul

Hamas Eases Stance on Ceasefire Demand, Sparking Renewed Hope for Hostage Deal

Netanyahu communicated this new development to US President Joe Biden, indicating that Israel is prepared to engage in discussions based on the latest draft of a three-phase deal received on Wednesday