

Israeli Forces Face Escalating Threat from Roadside Bombs in West Bank

Captain Alon Sacgiu, aged 22 and serving as a sniper team commander in the Kfir Brigade’s Haruv reconnaissance unit, met his untimely demise in an explosion on June 27 at the Jenin refugee camp

Swedish Citizens Sentenced to Death in Iraq Spark Diplomatic Concerns

The Swedish Foreign Ministry, vehemently opposed to the death penalty under any circumstances, has expressed profound concern and is actively engaged in efforts to prevent the sentences from being carried out

Saint Lucia in communication with Taiwan after earthquake disaster

Saint Lucia PM Philip J Pierre released a statement expressing his condolences after Taiwan suffered from an earthquake.

Taiwan diplomats celebrated independence of Saint Lucia

45th independence of Saint Lucia was celebrated on 22 February which was also celebrated by Taiwan diplomats.

Blinken: There is a reduction in tension with China

Taiwan: US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced Friday that there is a decrease in tension with China, but he reiterated his concern about Taiwan.

Beijing imposes trade sanctions on Taiwan

China announced today the suspension of the import of some types of fruits and fish from Taiwan and the export of natural sand to the island in response to the visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taipei.

Beijing denounces Prague’s reception of a Taiwanese delegation

Beijing on Wednesday condemned the reception in Prague of a Taiwanese delegation, warning the Czech Republic that this step violates the "one China" principle adopted by the European Union to approach this file.

Latest articles

Israeli Forces Face Escalating Threat from Roadside Bombs in West Bank

Captain Alon Sacgiu, aged 22 and serving as a sniper team commander in the Kfir Brigade’s Haruv reconnaissance unit, met his untimely demise in an explosion on June 27 at the Jenin refugee camp

Swedish Citizens Sentenced to Death in Iraq Spark Diplomatic Concerns

The Swedish Foreign Ministry, vehemently opposed to the death penalty under any circumstances, has expressed profound concern and is actively engaged in efforts to prevent the sentences from being carried out

Turkey Closes Border as Anti-Syrian Violence Escalates, Four Dead in Clashes

The incident, reportedly involving the sexual assault of a seven-year-old Turkish girl by a Syrian man, triggered widespread protests in several Turkish cities, including Kayseri, Hatay, Gaziantep, Konya, Bursa, and Istanbul

Hamas Eases Stance on Ceasefire Demand, Sparking Renewed Hope for Hostage Deal

Netanyahu communicated this new development to US President Joe Biden, indicating that Israel is prepared to engage in discussions based on the latest draft of a three-phase deal received on Wednesday