Prime Minister of St kitts and nevis Dr Terrance Drew explained his country’s vision towards regional and global issues . He also advocated encahcned particiaption of global south by bringing reform in UNGA security council.
This general debate was held on the sidelines of the 78th session of UN general assembly .
In his adress prime minister explained the vision of St. kitts and Nevis . The vision is to turn st kittis and Nevis a sustainale island by the 2040 .
His govt based this vision on sevan pillars like green energy , food security , sustainable industries , economic diversification , the orange economy , covid-19 recovery and social protection .
Underlining the intiative being taken by his country he stated that making island a sustainabe is our utmost priority .
The St kitts and nevis is making many efforts like geothermal energy production PACC30 like intiative to turn this vision into reality .
He expressed his concern over the growing global inequalities despite repeated calls for global cooperation .
During his adress prime minister also drew attentiomn of other countries to hardships being faced by people of venezuela .
These hardships were caused to venezuelian due to unilateral sanctions imposed by govt of united states of america . He streesd there shuold be a peacefull and constructive bilateral conversation between the government of venezuela and united states .
According to prime minster diglouge between both the countries is need of the hour to relieve the people of venezuela from hardships caused by these sanctions .
Another countries that found name in adress of prime minister were Taiiwan , Haiti .
Haiti is first free black republic in the western hemisphere grappled with many unimagianable scale of human suffering
Prime minister also highlighted the issue of bringing reform in UN security council . He said due to changing global geopolitics , The influence of global south has incresed . This growing influence of global south necciciated incresed participation of countries of this region in UN security council.
Prime minister reaffrimed that kitts and nevis is commited to issues of global solidarity ,equity ,and sustainable devolment .