Under the patronage of Yasmin Fouad, the Egyptian Ministry of Environment has participated in the high-level chamber meeting of the 15th conference of the parties (COP15) about the convention on Biodiversity.
As per the recent updates, Environmental Minister Yasmin Fouad said in her speech during the COP15 meeting, ‘’We hope that a global framework for biodiversity after the year 2020 is expected to fulfil the hopes of developing countries and supports development paths.’’

On her part, Yasmin Fouad also pointed out that the environmental ministry of Egypt also focuses on and seeks to use the positive outcome from the COP27 climate conference to aim at the biodiversity agenda or motive.’’
Furthermore, Yasmin Fouad, the Minister of Environment, praised and acknowledged Egypt at the high-level segment of the 15th Party Conference of the Biodiversity Agreement COP15 in Montreal, Canada.
She pointed out the diligent work of the Chinese Presidency of the conference in pushing negotiations on multiple paths leading to a way to reach results that meets the interests of the people and the planet.
In her speech at the event, Yasmin Fouad confirmed that the current sitting of the COP15 biodiversity conference is an important breakthrough point in the path of joint efforts by various stakeholders, stakeholders including women, youth and financial institutions, to ensure that agreed feasible goals are reached within the framework of Global biodiversity logo for after the year 2020.
She also cited that the framework can be applied in different areas considering the cross-border nature of Biodiversity and ecosystems, all the needs required to implement and put the plans in motion, and national commitments.
By fulfilling the pledge, we made to ourselves at the Biodiversity Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh COP14 in 2020 to reach a global framework for Biodiversity, Respect our natural resources and sustain the quality of life.
Moreover, the environment minister expressed her concern that the world will follow the path of the same positive step taken from the Sharm El-Sheikh climate conference COP27.
As per Yasmin Fouad, the adoption of the Damage Fund, which will lead to a real drastic shift in the willingness of the international community to work against the negative effects and outcomes of climate change,
and protect millions of people worldwide through the exit of the Biodiversity Conference COP15 with a Biodiversity Fund expresses the willingness of the parties to work together against biodiversity loss, fulfil the hopes of developing countries and move forward in the development process.
Additionally, the environmental minister pointed out that ‘’Egypt has always been interested in linking climate change and biodiversity, dedicating a day during the COP27 climate conference for biodiversity, launching the initiative of nature-based solutions that link mitigation, adaptation and restoration of ecosystems’’.
‘’Egypt is also taking a line to strengthen the management of protected areas by private sector engagement and integration of Local communities are in the process of developing these areas, as well as reconciling nature in the tourism sector by implementing an ambitious environmental tourism program’’. Said Fouad.
Dr Yasmin Fouad conveyed ‘’The need to raise the focus in the coming days of the conference by taking immediate actions to preserve the planet and the future of future generations and to come out with a successful biodiversity conference at the end of 2020 that represents the ambitions and hopes of humans’’.