Egyptian Minister of Environment Yasmin Fouad has participated in an extensive celebration on the occasion of International Day of Migratory Birds at the sites of Oxidation Lakes in Sharm El Sheikh. The celebration was held in order to revive and protect migratory bird’s life in Egypt under the slogan of “Water: Sustainability of Bird’s Lives.”
According to the shared updates, Minister Yasmin Fouad extended her remarks regarding the occasion and noted that “Oxidation lakes are one of the major tourist attractions in Sharm El Sheikh and witness Egypt’s efforts to protect migratory birds.”
It was also reported that the celebration was held as a part of the Migratory Dove Project under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment.

The places where the celebrations took place include South Sinai Reserves, Sharm El Sheikh City Council Chairman, the Drinking Water and Sewerage Holding Company, South Sinai Drinking Water and Sanitation Company, Jazz Hotels Group, Trafco Company, Tourist Guides Syndicate, Tourism Workers Union, Peace Park.
Environment Minister Yasmin Fouad confirmed that the Oxidation Lakes region of Sharm El Sheikh became one of the major ecotourism attractions in Sharm El Sheikh City, with unprecedented development during the past period to be a witness to Egypt’s efforts to protect migratory birds during its annual trip globally.

“Egypt’s unique geographical location makes it the second most important pathway for migratory pigeon birds globally and an air bridge between three continents Europe, Asia and Africa,” said the Minister. She also added Egypt’s constant concern in protecting migratory birds and fulfilling its international commitments to protect birds, biodiversity, and other relevant international conventions.
The Minister of the Environment reviewed the most important development works in the region, including the rehabilitation and efficiency of the existing oxidation lakes by improving the properties and water quality of the lakes with the creation of 7 additional lakes and a visitor’s observatory for watching migratory birds.

She also oversaw the development of the public site and equipping it with signs and various visitor services as a bonus. On providing entertainment services and a visitor walk to provide an attractive and unique environmental tourism experience on-site.

Furthermore, Yasmin Fouad noted that the development work is being done by the drinking water and sanitation company in cooperation with the ministry representing the migratory pigeon project funded by the World Environment Facility, the United Nations Development Program and BirdLife Organization International and with the participation of South Sinai Governorate.
Moreover, the Minister of the Environment added that the experience of developing the Oxidised Lakes Region came to protect migratory birds from all the risks that they face on their annual trip during the spring and autumn seasons of each year, including the effects of climate change.

“To provide water as one of the essential foundations of life to complete its journey, noting that the site experience was one Success story presented during the cop27 Climate Conference and one of the major shrines of the delegation,” noted Yasmin Fouad.
She emphasized that the site is listed as a tourist shrine for closely monitoring and monitoring migratory birds, raising awareness of its importance to the world and participating in its protection.
Noteworthy that oxidation is the safe disposal of sewage water by sun temperature and air to produce suitable water for wooden plantations after being treated to make maximum use of sewage water as one of the pillars of transforming Sharm El Sheikh into a green and sustainable city.