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Red Sea Tensions Flare as Houthis Cripple Greek Cargo Ship in Missile Attack

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Yemen’s Houthi rebels claimed responsibility for a brazen attack on a Greek cargo ship, the Tutor, in the Red Sea on Wednesday.

The vessel, carrying coal, sustained significant damage and is at risk of sinking near Yemen’s Hudaydah Port, raising concerns about escalating tensions in the vital shipping lane.


The Iran-backed group stated they launched a multi-pronged attack utilizing a surface drone, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and ballistic missiles.

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) confirmed the ship sustained a breach, allowing water into the engine room, causing loss of control. Initial reports suggest a smaller vessel rammed the Tutor’s rear before an “unknown projectile” struck it from the air.

Thankfully, a Greek ministry spokesperson confirmed no casualties, though the anonymous source acknowledged the ship was hit twice, once by an object from the water and again by an aerial attack.

The Tutor, en route to India, had unloaded cargo in Egypt and was headed towards Jordan when the incident occurred.

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) corroborated the attack, detailing the ship’s heavy damage and flooding. They further revealed destroying three Houthi anti-ship cruise missile launchers and a UAV in retaliation within the last 24 hours.

This incident marks the latest escalation in a series of attacks targeting international shipping in the Red Sea by the Houthis, beginning in November 2023. They justify these actions as a show of solidarity with Palestinians during the conflict with Israel.


Since then, the Houthis have sunk one ship, hijacked another, and tragically killed three sailors.

The attack on the Tutor raises serious concerns for the safety of international maritime traffic in the Red Sea. This crucial waterway serves as a vital link for global trade, and its disruption could have significant economic repercussions.

Experts warn that further attacks could force shipping companies to reroute vessels, potentially increasing transportation costs and impacting vital supply chains.

Additionally, the potential for an environmental disaster looms large if the heavily damaged Tutor succumbs and spills its coal cargo.

The international community must swiftly condemn the Houthi attack and urge them to cease their disruptive actions. Furthermore, ensuring the safety of the remaining crew aboard the Tutor and facilitating a swift and safe salvage operation is of paramount importance.

The attack underscores the urgent need for a peaceful resolution to the Yemeni Civil War, which has fueled regional instability and created a humanitarian crisis.

Diplomacy and a renewed commitment to cease-fire negotiations are crucial to de-escalate tensions and prevent further maritime incidents from jeopardizing global trade and endangering innocent lives.


This article was created using automation technology and was thoroughly edited and fact-checked by one of our editorial staff members

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