In the ongoing tournament titled the”KCC T10 Emerging League 2023″ in Kuwait, a Quarterfinal match was played between the Marafie Bengal Tigers and Centurions United and won by Centurions United. The match was played at the Sulaibiya Cricket Ground located in the town of Sulaibiya. The match was held on Sunday, 22nd October 2023.
The team of the Centurions United won the toss and chose to ball. As the name suggested, the whole match is played with ten overs for each team. Man of the match title was secured by Arjun Narayanan, who belonged to the Centurions United team.
Playing first, the team of Marafie Bengal Tiger scored a total sum of eighty sevan runs. The team had lost all ten wickets at the end of 10 overs. The team tried its best to increase the score tally, but the bowlers and fielding strategy of the Centurions United team did not allow it to happen.
Playing for the Marafie Bengal Tiger, Abdullah Al Mamum achieved a score of twenty-five runs batting 19 balls. Sruthish Suresh got three wickets in two overs by giving a score of just sixteen to the opposite team.
On its turn, Centurions United managed an easy win. Interestingly team secured the win just by playing the 8.1 over against the total fixed over of ten. All players in the group displayed extraordinary gaming skills. The team’s score was eighty nine, which was two scores more than 87 of Marafie Bengal Tiger.
Arjun Narayanan played an excellent game and faced ninteen balls to get thirty six runs for his team, Centurions United. Moreover, it seemed to be one sided match as with the loss of only one wicket, Centurions United team won the match. Mohammed Rakib snatched the one wicket while bowling the two over at the cost of the twenty-five runs.
After the end of match Cheif Guest honoured the team with trophy.