Bahrain: Under the auspices of her excellency Dr Jalila the daughter of Al-Sayed Jawad Hassan, Minister of Health, Dr. Walid Khalifa Al-Mani, Deputy of the Ministry of Health, opened the events of World Alzheimer’s Day and the World Day of the Elderly, organized by government hospitals that are not subject to health guarantee, in Mashro In happiness in Muharraq Governorate in the presence of a number of officials and concerned in the health sector.
The Deputy of the Ministry of Health opened the event with a speech in praise of the efforts of non-health insurance government hospitals in organizing this purposeful health awareness and education event, which encompasses a series of scientific and community programs, appreciating ongoing and recent efforts Which works and always strives towards the development of health services provided to the elderly. We also conveyed the greetings of Her Excellency Dr Jalila, the daughter of Sayed Jawad Hassan, the Minister of Health, and wish these events all success and achieve its mentioned goals.
In conjunction with celebrating these global events, His Excellency Dr Walid Al-Mani’, Deputy of the Ministry of Health, emphasized the continued development of health services provided to the elderly in the Kingdom of Bahrain as part of efforts to develop an integrated and sustainable system of medical, diagnostic and rehabilitation services. For the senior citizens.
This, the Ministry of Health is keen to participate in the countries of the world in celebrating health days, where every year on September 21, the world celebrates World Alzheimer’s Day, in order to raise awareness of the nature of this disease and how to overcome its challenges, as is celebrated on the first day of Sh Every October of every year is the International Day of the Elderly To highlight the contributions of the elderly class, as well as the issues and challenges they may encounter especially in the field of health and holistic care for them.
On this occasion, Dr Iman Haji noted that the Kingdom of Bahrain provides special care to the elderly through an integrated system of health services provided, a sign that the system is constantly expanding and developing.
Dr Iman Haji stressed investment in infrastructure dedicated to elderly care, citing the Muharaq Private Care Center project, which will represent a healthy radical for treating and rehabilitating the elderly among best standards and practices in providing comprehensive health services.