Basseterre, St Kitts and Nevis: Dr Terrance Drew – The Prime Minister of the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis, has recently addressed fellow nationals regarding different topics during the celebration of the 91st Anniversary of St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) held on Sunday, May 21, 2023.
Prime Minister expressed immense pleasure and thankfulness to the residents for their contribution and support towards the SKNLP. He addressed exceptional accomplishments that the SKNLP has achieved since he assumed the Prime Minister’s office.
According to recent information, Prime Minister Terrance Drew took to his official social media account to share glances from the historical celebrations of the 91st Anniversary of the SKNLP.

In his opening remarks, he mentioned the significant role and contribution of the people of St Kitts and Nevis in the growth and development of the nation.
During the celebration event, Prime Minister Terrance Drew, along with the Cabinet Ministers of St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party, delivered their remarks acknowledging the remarkable bond between the citizens and the political party.
He extended heartfelt gratitude and greeting to them for supporting the government of St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party.
In addition, it was also reported that Prime Minister mentioned a number of issues, plans, pathways and accomplishments that St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party has set and achieved since it assumes the government of the Twin Island Federation.

Meanwhile, he stated that the citizens of St Kitts and Nevis are the backbone of the nation and a vital part of the SKNLP and has played an equal role in the country’s success and growth.
While extending his remarks, PM Drew noted the significant achievements accomplished by St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party under his supervision and leadership in assistance with his fellow Ministers.
He mentioned that after taking control of the government on August 6 last year, SKNLP has been carrying a very clear vision of where they want to carry the nation with the right approach and execution of the plans. “We understand where St Kitts and Nevis must go,” said the PM.
Furthermore, he stated that on the very next day after taking the office of the Prime Minister, the SKNLP government started working towards the betterment and growth of the country.
He mentioned they started thriving to uplift and save the national economy as it could not be failed. In this context, he continued that if the economy had suffered, then the nation and its people would also have suffered equally.
The Prime Minister of the Caribbean country further continued his remarks and noted that the government of St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party paid honorary to the front-line workers of the nation from different fields. The government acknowledged their efforts and hard work to serve the country and uplift its morale in difficult situations.
“We went ahead, and we analyzed the finances of the nation, and we decided to share the resources and wealth directly with the people of the country, which was a revolutionary step taken by the SKNLP,” Prime Minister added.
He also stressed that for the first time in the history of the Western Hemisphere of the world, the government of St Kitts and Nevis paid equal dividends to the general public.
To recognize the efforts and vital role of the civil servants, the SKNLP government also paid ‘double salaries’, noted the PM. “We went further and created a fund who needed emergency medical attention overseas to treat acute diseases and for those who cannot afford the treatment,” he asserted.
PM Drew added that through this program, children who could have died under the lack of attention and required actions of the leadership of the previous government are now safe and living with their families because of timely treatment at advanced hospitals.
He also stated that SKNLP has also reduced the interest rates on student loans for higher education to 5 per cent and opened doors for students to repay the amount with ease.
He concluded that education is a basic human right, and the government has been working to provide better facilities to the youth in their education journeys. To support this, St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party has taken the required steps and will continue to thrive in this direction, he said.