Israel's Storm: Massive tree collapses near Amud River, prompts evacuation efforts
Israel's Storm: Massive tree collapses near Amud River, prompts evacuation efforts (image credits: Tarek Shaanan, Nature and Park Authority)

Israel: A large tree fell in the neighbour’s pond in the Amud River, Israel on Sunday, May 28, 2023, due to heavy storms and lightning in the area. The Israel storm has caused severe damage in the area and caused inconvenience and danger to the nearby people and communities.

According to recent information, the officials from the Nature and Park Authority of Israel have reported the damage caused by the storm, which led a large tree to fall in the area. It has also been reported that the authority has shared the news on its official social media handle, explaining the overall condition of the damage.

Through its social media update, the Nature and Park Authority has expressed the need to evacuate the area and nearby people to save them from further damage. The officials stated that the site was under threat and prone to bad weather conditions, so the people needed to be evacuated to a safer place.

In this context, the Israeli Nature and Park Department have extended the need for support and assistance from the potential people and groups who could provide a hand in the rescue operations. While extending the message, the authorities stated, “Storm damage is already here, and nature needs your help.”

Furthermore, the update read, “A large tree fell in the neighbour’s pond in Amud River, and it needs to be evacuated. We need a lot of strong hands.” Officials have encouraged the local people to come forward to help in the cause along with the national rescue forces and play a vital role in saving the communities.

In this regard, the authorities have asked people to inform and help as much as they can in this matter. “If you know a pre-military prep, a group of young men and women, or even soldiers who are free to help nature – please tag them in the post,” said the Nature and Park Authority while calling people to volunteer.

Additionally, people who want to help are provided with online portals where they can register themselves to give a hand in the cause. It was noted that “If you are able to come and help, please email Susie: He’s the one who’s in the world.”

The age for the volunteers was also specified by the Department of Nature and Park, Israel, which noted that “Volunteering from age 18 and older, and suitable for groups only.”


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