St Kitts and Nevis: PM Terrance Drew presents vision for Creative Economy in radio interview
St Kitts and Nevis: PM Terrance Drew presents vision for Creative Economy in radio interview || image credits: Inside News

Basseterre, St Kitts and Nevis: Dr Terrance Drew – The Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, has recently appeared for a radio interview with WINN FM 98.9 held on Saturday, July 29, 2023, from 11 am to 1:30 pm. 

He was accompanied by the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources and shed light on various topics and national matters along with launching the Creative Economy initiative. 


On his part, Prime Minister Terrance Drew started his address by greeting and welcoming the residents and citizens of St Kitts and Nevis to tune in to the interview via the official streaming platforms of WINN FM. 

Meanwhile, he emphasized the significance of the recently launched Creative Economy in St Kitts and Nevis as an important step towards national growth in terms of productive fields.  In addition, he added that establishing the new ministry sector holds the true potential of taking the country towards becoming a Sustainable Island State. 

“The creatives are a fundamental part of the new modern economy going forward; we have to take our artists and creative professionals seriously,” said Prime Minister Drew.

Furthermore, he also outlined that the government of St Kitts and Nevis wants to make the national artists a fundamental part of the country while working to bring them into the mainstream. 

In this remark, PM Drew also stated that the government had appointed the Minister of Music and Culture to explore and pursue these areas. Moreover, the Prime Minister of the Twin Island Federation also expressed his support and encouragement towards the goal and establishment of a Creative Economy. 

He said, “I have supported Ambassador Kervin Benjamin, who went to Jamaica with five teams and collaborated in some projects which will be released shortly.”


According to his address during the interview, PM Drew said that under such initiatives of the creative economy, the government was able to bring in DJ Terro, who will play a major role in advancing the country’s music industry. 

In this context, Prime Minister emphasized, “I was also able to support Miss Independence, our current reigning Calypso Monarch and Bank of Mass Camp.”

He added that they travelled to Trinidad in order to advance and boost their art and talent with the Trinidadians. “I want to say that we are very serious about the Creative Economy,” noted Prime Minister Terrance Drew. He congratulated Minister Samal Duggins for the launch of the Creative Economy held a night earlier. 

It was also stressed that the Prime Minister also talked about the agriculture sector and its various concepts and scopes during his interview on Saturday. He stated that the government is seriously considering multiple matters, such as food security. 

He cited that this is a critical and fundamental area of improvement in the agriculture sector, making it necessary to create an environment that favours food security. The Prime Minister said that the growth in such industry and food security will nurture the idea of transforming the Twin Island Federation into a Sustainable Island State. 

In the end, he concluded his remarks by mentioning that the country thrives to become self-sufficient through implementing such initiatives and growth ideas.He added that the availability of good and healthy food in the country would reduce many diseases and health problems in the Federation.     


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