Egypt: The head of the Environmental Affairs Authority, Ali Abu Sunnah, meets the ambassador of Egypt in Greece, Omar Amer and the members of the Egyptian Embassy to research the outcomes of the meeting on the model Mediterranean Sea work plan Yesterday, January 27, 2023.
As per the recent updates, the meeting was held on the sidelines of the steering committee’s first meeting on the Model Mediterranean Work Plan by 2030 in Athens. In addition, this is on the margins of the Ministry of Environment’s participation in the first meeting of the Management Committee on the Model Mediterranean Action Plan, said reports.
The officials from the ministry have stated that the invitation of the Mediterranean Action Plan, The Executive Arm of the Barcelona Agreement for the Protection of the Mediterranean Environment, was held in Athens, Greece.
“The member of stated has participated in the Barcelona Agreement to Protect the Mediterranean Environment from pollution in France, Italy, Morocco and Greece, as well as a number of international organizations such as the Federation for the Mediterranean”, said officials.
Furthermore, the International Committee of Fisheries and the Regional Center for the region under special protection have also participated in the Barcelona Agreement to Protect the Mediterranean Environment from pollution. In addition to the Suez Canal board and a diplomatic delegation from the Egyptian Embassy in Greece.
During the meeting, the Head of Environmental Affairs Authority, Ali Sunnah and Greece Ambassador, Omer Amer, addressed the key outcomes of the meeting for the Model Sea Mediterranean Action Plan by 2030.
Additionally, both officials also discussed the great success of Egypt in hosting the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change COP 27 and the importance of continuing to support the climate change cause to preserve the gains made by Egypt.
On his part, Abu Sunnah stressed the depth of Egyptian-Greek relations, the important role that the Egyptian Embassy plays in assisting Egyptians on Greek territory, and the important role of her and the Egyptian community in maintaining the durability of these relations.
“It is noteworthy that Athens hosts the executive secretariat of an agreement. Protecting the Mediterranean from pollution,” said Sunnah.
In his remarks, Ambassador Omar Amer, the ambassador of Egypt in Greece, expressed his happiness with Egypt’s success in hosting the COP27 climate change conference and his great efforts to prepare and host this conference appropriately in Egypt.
Notably, the Steering Committee Meeting on the Model Mediterranean Action Plan by 2030 discussed the initiative’s introduction related to the Mediterranean Sea’s preservation.
The authorities have pointed out various methods to prevent pollution through integrated management of the Mediterranean coasts, preservation of biodiversity, and reduction of marine waste pollution and proposed a new financing mechanism to implement the initiative in accordance with the proposed projects. Fund it by achieving these environmental goals.