Israel: Over the period of the last few weeks, a number of reports have been submitted by the locals to the Nature and Park Authority of Israel regarding the incidents of illegal fishing in the Mediterranean Sea.
The incidents were reported through the online app called SeaWatch, introduced by the Nature and Park Authority, after which appropriate actions were taken and persuaded.
According to recent information, the Nature and Park Authority officials have informed that after the incidents of illegal fishing during the breeding period came to light, required actions were taken and imposed restrictions to take the situation into control.

In addition, it was stated that the restrictions were also enforced due to the upcoming period of fish breeding in the Mediterranean Sea during the period between May-June 2023.
Furthermore, to inform the general public regarding the recently imposed limitations for fishing, the Authority of Nature and Park has taken to its official social media handle and noted, “Over the weekend, we received a report through the SeaWatch app about illegal fishing during the breeding period.”
The information released by the officials further stressed that due to the upcoming breeding season of fishes, it had been anticipated that the actions would come into motion in order to protect the fish from illegal fishing.
In this context, Nature and Park authority mentioned, “May-June are the fish breeding season in the Mediterranean, fishing restrictions this season are intended to ensure that next year the sea will be healthy and full of fish.”
Moreover, the officials extended their heartfelt gratitude to the locals who have played a vital role in preserving the fish during this essential period.
In this regard, the officials added, “A big thank you to the reporters that prevented another injury at sea.” it has also been said that the Nature and Park authority encouraged the people to report such similar incidents and noted that “If you come across a suspicion of forbidden fishing these months please report us to the SeaWatch app or the Nature and Gardens Authority hotline 3639.”
“Help us preserve the sea for future generations – ours and the fish,” Nature and Park concluded.