Jordan: Under the supervision of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Jordan, Dr Ayman Ashour, the Institute for Preparation of Leaders organized the Training Program for Master Candidates for the position of President of a University. The activities of the training program began in 22 Egyptian universities.
As per the reports, the University listed as (Sohag – Banha – New Valley – Ain Shams – Damietta – Matrouh – Suez – Damanhour – Sadat City – Kafr El Sheikh – South Valley), according to the training program and the training plan approved by the Supreme Council of Universities.
On his part, Dr Karim Hammam, Director of the Leadership Preparation Institute, said that the training program for master candidates for the post of president of the University includes many lectures.
They will get the opportunity to interact with experts from diverse fields and exchange experiences among the master candidates, which promotes strategic thinking and decision-making abilities.
“The training program lectures were varied to include a lecture on media engagement, discussing effective communication strategies and how to convey key messages to the University clearly and effectively, and outlining the Media Centre’s tasks for universities,” said Minister Ayman Ashour
The program’s events also included a lecture on the art of university leadership and the national strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. A lecture on the Art of Etiquette and Protocol, aiming to strengthen leadership and social skills needed for successful leadership in the university environment, was also delivered.
The lecture presented the concepts and foundations of the art of etiquette and protocol and outlined its role in building the University’s reputation and fostering relationships with Institutionalism.
The program’s events were completed with a lecture on digital transformation, discussing Egypt’s preparations for digital transformation. It clarified the importance and mechanisms of digital transformation in Egyptian universities and some of the axes of Egypt’s vision in digital transformation, which is to improve the quality of life of Egyptian citizens.
The Institute for Preparation of Leaders also organized a lecture on the legal aspects of universities aimed at raising legal awareness among the candidates.
The lectures also explained how these laws are applied in the context of university administration, recognize the legal responsibilities and duties of universities, and how deal with potential legal issues.
During the awareness lecture on the foundations of national security, it was affirmed that universities have an important role in achieving national security by educating the youth and containing and educating the younger generations.
The lecture on national issues and anti-corruption, the role of the state in combating corruption, and the negative effects of corruption on various sectors of society, especially the academic society, and clarifying the role of University leaders in spreading awareness within the youth campus community.