Jordan: The Director General of the Food and Medicine Foundation, Professor Nizar Mahmoud Mahidat, has sponsored the opening of the Pharmaceutical Research Centre at the University of Zarqa on Sunday, July 16th, 2023. A number of university officials and experts in the field of food and medicine attended the inauguration event.
The event took place in the presence of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Engineer Samir Al-Habashna, the President of the University Nidhal Al Ramahi, the President of the Jordanian Drug Producers Union, the President of the Arab Drug Producers Union and a number of drug manufacturing companies managers.
The patron of the ceremony, Nizar Mahidat, expressed his happiness with the opening of the centre as the first research centre accredited by the General Foundation for Food and Medicine for pre-clinical studies.

He stated that the centre’s accreditation will open up the horizons of research cooperation with many local and global institutions.
The research centre will also help attract investment in pharmaceutical studies both on the domestic level or in cooperation with the local pharmaceutical companies or the Union of Pharmaceutical Producers; I congratulate this pioneering national achievement at Zarqa Al-Ahlia University.
The Food and Medicine Foundation praised the centre’s high infrastructure and the outstanding scientific research at Al-Zarqa University, which keeps track of various scientific developments in the pharmaceutical sciences and pharmaceutical industries so they can graduate a generation of promising young people and delegate the pharmaceutical sector.

The President of the University, Professor Nidhal Al Ramahi, said that the University is proud of what it has achieved from a prestigious position between local and Arab universities.
It was noted that it is certain that the opening of the Pharmaceutical Research Centre is a result of an achievement for the University that everyone is proud of.
Zarqa University President Al Ramhi also highlighted that the centre has been supported and followed by the Board of Directors of Zarqa Company for Education and Investment, Mahmoud Abu Shaaira, in all his stages.

He pointed out that the opening of the Pharmaceutical Research Centre at the University of Zarqa is a quality leap in promoting and developing the pharmaceutical sector and reflects the commitment of the Faculty of Pharmacy to expand, elevate the fields of scientific research, and raise the level of pharmacy education and training.
In his remarks, he also added, “Today we celebrate the opening of the Pharmaceutical Research Centre at the University of Zarqa as the first centre authorized by the FDA for conducting non-clinical experiments of pharmaceutical products, after meeting global requirements for conducting such experiments, and its success in the examination and evaluation conducted by the FDA in this regard.”
Cooperation with the industrial sector is one of the issues that Al-Zarqa University is concerned with as a partner in success and development. “We value the efforts of all employees at Al-Zarqa University towards providing their best to achieve the university’s vision and goals,” noted the President.
For her part, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Zarqa University, Ahlam El-Kilani, confirmed that the establishment and opening of the Centre for Pharmaceutical Research is a complement to the faculty’s journey and its diligent pursuit towards the realization of its vision and message, derived from the University’s vision and mission.
The vision emphasizes and complements excellence in scientific research, supporting creativity and innovation, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, and serving the academic and pharmaceutical community.
She pointed out that the Centre for Pharmaceutical Research will enhance the status and reputation of the faculty and the University as a leading centre in pharmaceutical research and achieve new quality horizons in pharmaceutical development.
He explained that establishing a specialized research pharmacy centre received support from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Zarqa Company for Education and Investment, Dr Mahmoud Abu Shaira, to start the project by building and equipping the zoo and its accessories.
She pointed out that the centre will provide services to researchers, companies and pharmaceutical factories in Jordan and the region. She looks forward to the centre becoming a reference laboratory and internationally accredited for conducting pharmaceutical studies.
The patron of the ceremony and his accompanying delegation and guests of the University of Zarqa took a field tour of the facilities of the Pharmaceutical Research Centre and listened to a statement from the director of the centre, Anas Al-Shishani, about the facilities and equipment contained in the centre.
They were updated regarding the equipment necessary for analyses and tests in accordance with the highest international standards, in addition to visiting the laboratories of the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Medicine Teeth.
The attendance expressed their pride for what Al-Zarqa University has achieved and its achievement of local and international standards, both in the scientific and applied aspects, opening it to institutions and companies and cooperating with them to achieve its objective vision and message.