Iranian women reporters face unfair trials for covering Mahsa Amini's death
Iranian women reporters face unfair trials for covering Mahsa Amini's death || image credits: Human Right in Iran

Iran: Two Irani women Journalists named Elahe Mohammadi and Niliifar Hamedi will resume facing sham’ Court Trials’ from 25 and 26 July in the capital of Iran, Tehran, on various charges and accusations posed by the Irani government and forces. 

However, the only ‘Crime’ they have committed was reporting on the unlawful and unfair killing of a 22-year-old Iranian woman’ Mahsa Jina Amini’ in a hospital in Tehran.

According to the sources, Mahsa Jina Amini, also known as Jina Amini, was taken into custody by the state security forces due to allegedly not wearing the hijab per the government’s standards. 

Later, she was arrested, collapsed at the detain centre, and killed under mysterious circumstances in Tehran hospital.

As per the statements given by other women arrested with Jina Amini, it was said that she was brutally beaten and tortured in state custody, which allegedly led to her death. Following this, the whole nation went on expressing rage and protests against the government of Iran and its unlawful practices.

Furthermore, the authority for Human Rights in Iran has taken to its official social media handle to share updates on the stories of the two women journalists, Elahe Mohammadi and Nilloofat Hamedi and the resumption of their trials. 

The shared update noted that both journalists have been accused of crimes which they had not even committed, such as “collaborating with an enemy government,” “assembly and collusion against national security”, and “propaganda against the state.”

In this context, the shared updates wrote that “The sham “trials” of women journalists in #Iran Elahe Mohammadi and Niloofar Hamedi will resume July 25 and 26 in Tehran.” 

Moreover, the officials from the Human Rights in Iran also cited that “Their only “crime” was reporting on the killing of Mahsa Jina Amini in Iranian state custody.”

In addition, the updates also outlined that the state forces have been exploiting the most basic rights of the two journalists since their arrest. 

“The Iranian government’s fabricated accusations against the two unlawfully detained women, who face severe punishments without access to due process, are part of the state’s efforts to crush dissent and slander the country’s protest movement”, said the Human Rights in Iran.


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