Israel: One of the most visited tourist destinations, Ein Tinah in the Golan Heights region of Israel, has been experiencing excessive garbage and visitors recently, leading to its continuously deteriorating condition.
The Nature and Park Authority of Israel has recently expressed deep concerns regarding the issue and current situation in Ein Tinah through their official social media handle.
According to the shared information, the Israeli Nature and Park Authority have noted that the waste management system in Ein Tinah needs to deliver better services due to many factors.

The officials from Nature and Park Authority noted that “The trip to Ein Tinah is one of the most popular in the Golan Heights, and it’s not a surprise – it’s a beautiful trip, leading to the pruning emerging from the branches of the fig tree and it’s also free.”

Furthermore, the authority informed that the situation related to the uncontrollable waste becomes gradually worse with the passage of time and excessive footfall of the tourists.
In this regard, the reports added, “For many years, there were trash bins along the route, but with the increase in the number of visitors, the situation became that the route was simply full of garbage.”

Moreover, the bins fill up quickly, tourists pile up, and when it’s impossible anymore, put the bag next to the bins until a huge pile of garbage is created.
In addition, the authority explained that the Debris that remains in the field is a source of attraction for wildlife, a change in the natural food system and their behavioural patterns.
Additionally, the containers and bags can cause animals to suffocate from the packaging and die in misery. In open nature reserves, where there is no payment, it is not possible to dispose of the garbage at the rate at which it fills up, so it was decided to take the bins out and ask the tourists to take their trash with them – and throw it in the big bin placed in the parking lot.
“We are a small country with many residents who love to travel in the beautiful landscapes. To continue walking in the open nature, we must go back and take responsibility for our waste. If we choose to go out for a walk in nature or to have a picnic – it is our responsibility to take our garbage with us and throw it away only in a tidy place,” noted the officials.
In the end, it also included that nature would stay clean, wildlife would stay wildlife and would not rely on food left in the field, and we all enjoy pure conservation.