Egypt's Tourism Authority launches online training program to boost tourist movements
Egypt's Tourism Authority launches online training program to boost tourist movements (image credits: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities Egypt)

Egypt: Amr Al-Qadhi, the Executive President of the Egyptian General Authority for Tourism Activation, launched an online training program as part of the National Strategy for Tourism Development to upsurge the outgoing tourist movements to the tourist destinations in Egypt. The organization aims to welcome and cross the mark of 30 million tourists by the year 2028.

According to the recent updates, the online training programs also focus on identifying and introducing tourism agents and travel in the targeted markets of Egyptian tourist destinations and tourist attractions, and all Information about Egypt is of interest to the tourist.

In addition, the reports also confirmed that the Egyptian General Authority for Tourism is set to launch a training program for tourism and travel agents in the British markets as well, which is one of the major target markets, over the next few days, via this link

Egypt’s Tourism Authority launches online training program to boost tourist movements

For his part, Mr Amr Al-Qadhi, Executive President of the Egyptian General Authority for Tourism Activation, explained that this training program would include a number of training courses organized with globally renowned training institutions.

He stated that the program would review a number of presentations, including a number of photos, videos, and information about tourism in Egypt and what it enjoys. 

Tourist destinations have diverse and distinctive tourist positions, styles and products, such as those found in Sharm El-Sheikh, Hurghada, Luxor, Aswan and other tourist cities.

The training program will also include a review of a number of tourist activities that a tourist can do during his visit to Egyptian destinations, including diving and golf, as well as all the tourist needs information on weather conditions and different times to visit Egypt, the currency used and other information that is beneficial to the tourist.

The Executive Chairman of the Egyptian General Authority for Tourism Activation added that this training program makes tourism and travel agents experts in Egyptian tourist destinations fully aware of all the information a tourist needs when they want to go on a tourist trip to Egypt.

The information provided by the agents will help the tourists organize a tourism program that suits them and meets their wishes during the visit. He stated that the trainee who passes this training program efficiently would receive a certificate certified by the authority that has become a specialist in the Egyptian tourist destination.

It is noteworthy that a draw will be held among the trainees who will pass this trainee to receive a prize of a tour to one of the Egyptian tourist destinations, souvenirs and publicity materials About the Egyptian tourist destination.

The reports claimed that the authority would organize similar training programs on a regular basis in the target tourist markets, which have been organized in a number of European markets over the past period in cooperation with specialized training companies.


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