Dominica Government issues Tropical Storm Watch for Storm Bret
Dominica Government issues Tropical Storm Watch for Storm Bret || image credits: google

Roseau, Dominica: The Government of Dominica has issued a Watch on the Tropical Storm named Bret on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. The authorities have confirmed a high chance of tropical storm conditions within the watch area for nearly 48 hours. 

The updates have confirmed that Tropical Storm Bret was recorded at the latitude of 12.2 north, longitude 48.6 west, and 880 miles southeast of Dominica at 5 pm. With a speed of nearly 18 mph (miles per hour), Bret is moving quickly towards the west and is anticipated to reach the area during the coming days. 

As per the forecast track, it has been projected that the centre of the system will pass a bit more southerly across the Lesser Antilles by the end of this week. The winds have also gotten stronger and faster, flowing at nearly 45 mph (75 kph) with higher gusts.

The authorities have also stated that the storm is predicted to get stronger and more dangerous while maintaining the status of the tropical storm upon approach. From Thursday morning, the tropical storm is expected to arrive with force winds. Due to its strong winds and high intensity, predicting the exact location and magnitude of the Bret is difficult and uncertain where the damages could occur the most. 

The Dominican authorities have issued a number of possible conditions that the storm can cause, and the storm will probably increase the force and wind speeds from Thursday onwards, particularly overnight. In addition, between Thursday to Friday, there are also high chances of heavy rains and thunderstorms in the areas, which could also initiate floods ranging between 100 to 150 mm (4 to 6 inches to 8 to 10 inches).

The sea conditions are also prone to deterioration on the side of the east coast on Thursday, and the waves are anticipated to increase at 4.0m/12.0 ft. 


The rivers are also prone to the threat of overflowing along with streams, gutters and ravines from Thursday overnight. 

Rock falls, and unexpected landslides can be caused.

Loose objects can convert and mix into gusty and strong winds.

The population living next to the coastal areas and shores are most liable to get affected by the storm.

Following the threat of the conditions mentioned above, the government of Dominica has issued a precautionary advisory to the nation’s residents. The government has asked the people to be prepared for the worst conditions and monitor the progress of the Bret. 

The authorities said the plans and safety measures should be ready to save their lives, property and loved ones. The updates will be coming shortly and continuously regarding the conditions by the Dominica Meteorological Service. 



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