On Monday, the prime minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, Dr Terrance Drew, attended the award and closing ceremony of ECGA. The East Caribbean Golf Association (ECGA) was held at the Royal St. Kitts and Golf Club.
The Prime Minister, during his speech, also extended his best wishes and Congratulations to all of the players of all the teams, team management and sponsors of the teams that participated in the championship.
Dr Drew called all the teams and their management to participate every year in this grand event, of the East Caribbean Golf Association (ECGA) Championships.
Prime Minister also said that there is an urgent need to expand the sports cultures across the region. PM stated that playing sports does not just provide the gift of physical fitness. Rather, it also gives the opportunity to share the traditional, traditional and local values with players of different countries.
Prime Minister Dr Drew also expressed his happiness over the Special recognition given to the team players of St. Kitts And Nevis, who have been placed First place overall and St. Lucia.
Dr Drew specifically mentioned that I also recognise President Zeke Percival, a dear friend who has persistently extended the offer of golf lessons to me.
He also hoped that soon or later he would accept his offer and learn to play the Golf.
He appreciated the Royal St Kitts Course, and called it a jewel of the
golfing crown.
He described that The Royal St. Kitts Course stands as a government-owned establishment that firstly welcomed golfers nearly half a century ago in 1976 and gave them an opportunity to display their gaming skills in the field of Golf.
He said this golf course is setting up new examples that showcased a very new standard of excellence in games, and it still stands as one of the most beautiful, wide, unique courses, which is proving to be beneficial not only for the country but for the entire region.