Egypt: The Minster of Environment of Egypt, Yasmin Fouad, has recently paid tribute to the staff of the COP27 Climate Change Conference for their active participation and recognition in the success of the Conference. Minister Fouad added, “The conference staff performed its job to the fullest, whether logistically, technically or financially”.
As per the sources, the Ministry of Environment stated that History would witness that the Egyptian state organized this Conference with pure Egyptian hands, without the help of foreign experiences.
In addition, Minister Fouad took it to honour the team that participated in organizing the COP27 Conference, hosted in Egypt from 6 to 22 November 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh.
The staff and the event organizers were presented with certificates of appreciation in honour of their active role in making the Conference successful and smooth. An honourable face for the Egyptian state.
At the beginning of the honouring ceremony, Minister, Yasmin Fouad, extended her heartfelt gratitude to Ambassador Muhammad Khalil for his role in presenting the idea of Egypt hosting the COP27 climate conference to the cabinet at the beginning.
Furthermore, the conference staff prepared the COP27 climate convention file and arrived at the election’s time. Got to get it organized, hints that this trip Witnessed a lot of stress and tiredness with a lot of effort, dedication, honesty and good intentions.
In her remarks, the Minister of the Environment further emphasized that the important team performed to the fullest potential to ensure smooth conduct logistically, technically and financially.
Minster Fouad witnessed the participation of every woman and man honestly and sincerely to develop this country and leave an honourable image of it, assuring the success of the organizational process and which is one of the best times inside the event zone and in Logistics work zones.
Moreover, the Minister of the Environment added that History would witness the Egyptian state organizing this Conference with pure Egyptian hands and sheer will to host such a big level conference in the country while keeping in the notice that there are countries that use foreign experiences when organizing and hosting such international events.
On her part, Yasmin Fouad also praised the hard work. She emphasized that the efforts made by the Egyptian state exceeded all expectations, and they needed to take big steps to come out of this Conference Organizationally and logistically successful.
Additionally, Minister Fouad realized that event organizers had showcased great work by facilitating the other representatives of the world’s best services during their stay.
In addition to the obstacles that the team of the Ministry of Environment, its equipment, its workers, experts, consultants and assistants encountered, they overcame and proved their ability to organize the Conference.
Over and above all, The Minister of the Environment, Fouad, thanked Ali Abu Sunnah, Executive Chairman of the Environmental Affairs Agency, and Ambassador Raouf Saad, Advisor to the Minister of Environment for Multilateral Telecommunications, for their role in the Conference.
She carried forward her thanks and mentioned Engineer Sharif Abdul Rahim, Head of the Central Department for Climate Change, and Amr Osama, Advisor to the Ministry of Environment For climate change file, along with Mrs Saha Taher, head of the cop27 climate conference unit and director of administration Center for International Cooperation for their assistance in the event.
Moving forward, Mr Tamer Abu Gharara, Advisor to the Minister for International Cooperation and Dr Karim Morsa, Advisor to the Minister for the Private Sector; Mrs Yasmin Salem, Assistant to the Minister for Government Coordination, along with Mrs Huda Al-Shawadafi, Assistant to the Ministry of Environmental Tourism, were presented with immense thankfulness by Yasmin Fouad along with all the members of the team Work, expressed her happiness to collaborate with this outstanding team.
In the end, Dr Ali Abu Sunnah, Executive Chairman of the Environmental Affairs Agency, also offers great thanks and appreciation to Dr Yasmin Fouad, Ministerial Coordinator and envoy of the Climate Conference COP27, for her work in making this Conference a success and for working with honesty and sincerity and providing support and helping hand to all the A team. ML during organizing and hosting the Conference.