Egypt: EM Yasmin Fouad chairs 6th session of waste management system

Egypt: The Minister of the Environment, Yasmin Fouad, headed the sixth session of the Board of Directors of the Waste Management System. She reviews the output of implementing the National Strategy for Municipal Solid Waste.

Egypt: EM Yasmin Fouad chairs 6th session of waste management system
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Egypt: The Minister of the Environment, Yasmin Fouad, headed the sixth session of the Board of Directors of the Waste Management System. She reviews the output of implementing the National Strategy for Municipal Solid Waste.

According to the reports, Minister Fouad praised the national strategy for municipal solid waste for increasing the efficiency of collection and recycling and reducing rejections. 

In addition, the meeting was held in the presence of Dr Tariq Al Arabi, Head of the Waste Management Agency, Dr Ali Abu Sunni, Head of the Environmental Affairs Agency, and members of the Board of System Management.

Several representatives of the Ministries of Local Development, Electricity, Energy, Health, Finance, Trade, Industry, Housing, Defence and Interior And non-governmental community organizations were also present during the meeting.

The Minister of the Environment pointed out the importance of the periodic meeting of the Board of Directors of the Waste Management System to first follow up the workflow, present various challenges and access the best ways to overcome them.

Furthermore, this meeting comes in conjunction with the one-year passing of the Announcement of the Waste Management Law Executive Regulation, which is a milestone in preparing a supportive climate for implementing the new waste management system by clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders.

During the meeting, Dr Tariq Al-Arabi presented a presentation of some of the activities carried out by the device, the current situation of the implementation of the waste management system since 1955, strategic planning targets and action plans.

The ministry is also aiming to reach recycling 60% of the municipal solid waste collected in bio-mechanical treatment plants to produce RDF-rejected fuels and organic fertilizers and 20% recycling with thermal treatment plants to produce electricity, the amount of waste required for safe disposal of collected waste is reduced by 20% to reduce demand for new land for safe medical burials.

The National Strategy for Municipal Solid Waste output was also presented in 2014 when waste collection efficiency reached 50% versus 2000. 5 % in 2020, and currently, 30 tonnes of waste is processed per day against 7 . 4 1 tons per day in 2019, increasing the percentage of alternative fuel production while reducing the percentage of rejections safely disposed of, said reports.


The Minister of the Environment reviewed the latest updates on infrastructure implementation and operation contracts, activities implemented and currently being implemented in the governorates, sites of investment submission in waste management, projects of converting waste to electrical energy, the procedures taken, and the results of the evaluation of the companies qualified for the qualification, Egyptian companies eligible for the first stage and the contracting systems.



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