Egypt: Ministry of Archaeology celebrates World Museum Day, features art exhibitionsEgypt: Ministry of Archaeology celebrates World Museum Day, features art exhibitions
Egypt: Ministry of Archaeology celebrates World Museum Day, features art exhibitions (image credits Facebook)

Egypt: On the occasion of World Museum Day, held on May 18, 2023, and to celebrate the instance, the Ministry of Tourism and Archaeology has been featuring art exhibitions, activities and a variety of events in different museums across the country. 

The museums featured temporary exhibitions of historical artefacts and educational seminars with artistic workshops for the visitors.

The update shared by the Ministry of Tourism and Archaeology, Egypt has stated that “In the celebration of the World Museums Day, which falls on May 18 every year, national museums organize a number of temporary archaeological and art exhibitions, activities and events from guided tours, seminars, educational and artistic workshops for visitors.”

Egypt: Ministry of Archaeology celebrates World Museum Day, features art exhibitions

It was also added that the artefacts would be featured in accordance with their different categories. Omaria, as well as scientific lectures and interactive workshops, will be provided to the concerned. The exhibitions aimed at introducing them to the ancient Egyptian civilization and raising awareness of the tourism and archaeology they have within the framework of the role of museums as social, educational and awareness institutions.

It is noteworthy that World Museum Day is an international celebration organized by the International Museum Council ICOM, and the purpose of the celebration was to hold an annual event to further unify the aspirations and creative efforts of museums.

Egypt: Ministry of Archaeology celebrates World Museum Day, features art exhibitions

It also focused on raising the awareness of the global public to their various activities by holding these activities and launching many events and seminars highlighting the role of museums in SOCIETY. This year’s World Museum Day was launched under the slogan “Sustainability and Quality of Life”.

About temporary archaeological exhibitions that will be held in a number of Egyptian museums, they are as follows:


An exhibition titled “Industrial Heritage” is being organized, featuring 19 pieces highlighting the history of the industrial heritage in Egypt, highlighting historical clocks from the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Along with a typewriter as well as letter names, templates for writing and printing from the museum’s library and archive department, and photographs illustrating the salvage of slot machines. Ventilation of the museum and printing machines and the exhibition is set to last for two weeks.

Museum of Islamic Art in Bab Al-Khlak:

An exhibition titled “Permanent Glory” is being organized, which features 27 pieces from the Ayubian era highlighting the diverse crafts during Islamic eras through an exhibition of the Holy Quran, a tap, a carpet, several pottery, glass and metal pieces dating back to different Islamic eras, a collection of manuscripts and illustrations, a basin, a marble collage, and an assortment of ornaments. The exhibition is scheduled to run until next June 4.

The Coptic Museum in Ancient Egypt:

An exhibition titled “Decoration and Luxury” is organized, which features nine pieces that express decoration and luxury in the life of the ancient Egyptians who paid attention to the finest details, as well as some musical instruments that played key roles in religious rituals, social and cultural activities, and the exhibition is set to last for two weeks.

Museum of Royal Vehicles in Boulaq:

An exhibition entitled “Phenomenons of life and luxury in the upper family” is organized, which features six pieces of the most prominent Saturday car for the little princesses to walk in the park’s parks, and an hour of brass, and the exhibition is scheduled to last until the end of May.

Jair Anderson’s Museum at Lady Zeinab:

An exhibition titled “Cretel Masterpieces” features 25 diverse pieces from different eras and civilizations, and the exhibition is set to last for a month.

National Police Museum in the Castle:

An exhibition titled “The Role of Security in the Sustainability of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization” is organized, and it features six pieces that are a variety of weapons from different eras in ancient Egypt, and the exhibition is set to last for two weeks.

Sharm El Sheikh Museum:

An exhibition titled “Environmental Biodiversity and Quality of Life Through the Ages” is organized with four pieces highlighting the importance of biodiversity in ancient Egyptian history during the Roman, Byzantine, Coptic and Islamic eras, and the exhibition is set to continue until the end of next June.


An exhibition titled “Arabian Austraka” is being organized, which features 21 pieces of pottery dating back to the early Islamic era and carries a variety of texts that shed light on the personal, social and economic life of the inhabitants of Elventine Island in the form of letters, marriage contracts, judicial verdicts, religious and orthodox chants, and the exhibition is set to last until the end of May In progress.

Museum of Tanta:

An exhibition titled “Wooden Collectibles Last Forever” is being organized, featuring four wooden pieces of human coffins dating back to the Second Transition Age, a model of a sailor-staffed vessel dating back to the Middle State Age, a headrest, and a late-era human mask, and the exhibition is set to last for two weeks.

Kafr El Sheikh Museum:

An exhibition titled “Masterpieces of Islamic Motifs”, includes 18 pieces showcasing the magnificence of Islamic art and the beauty of its artistic motifs inspired by religion and inherited traditions, and the exhibition is set to last until August 18.

National Museum of Suez:

An exhibition titled “Egyptian Hands” is organized, which consists of 13 pieces, a collection of tools of industry in various fields of architecture, engineering and agriculture, and a saw bearing the factory’s label, with a collection of pieces with the name of their makers on display, and the exhibition is scheduled to last until next June 4.

Sohag National Museum:

An exhibition titled “Egyptian Textiles Through The Ages is organized; it consists of 26 pieces that review the history of fabric from ancient Egyptian times to modern times in its various forms, sizes and decorations and the exhibition is scheduled to last until the end of this May.

The New Valley Museum:

An exhibition titled “Yarn and fabrics inspired by the Heritage of Oases” is organized, featuring a collection of tools used in the textile industry and some pieces of textile, and the exhibition is set to last until the current May 18.

Museum of Ismailia:

An exhibition titled “Civilization That Dazzled the World” is organized, featuring a granite block statue and two bronze statues of the idol Batah and the idol Osiris, and the exhibition is scheduled to last until the end of this May.

Pasta Hill Museum in Zagreb:

An exhibition titled “Ancient Egyptian Accessories,” featuring a variety of jewellery and jewellery used by the ancient Egyptians, is scheduled to last until the end of next June.

Malawi Museum in Minya:

An exhibition titled “Luxury in Ancient Egypt” is being organized, featuring ten pieces of decorative instruments and music, and the exhibition is set to last until the end of next June.


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