Hashemite University hosts Preparatory Committee meeting for 18th Jordanian Chemical Conference
Hashemite University hosts Preparatory Committee meeting for 18th Jordanian Chemical Conference (image credits Facebook)

Jordan: The Hashemite University of Jordan has recently shared an update regarding the second meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the 18th Jordanian Chemical Conference. 

The meeting was held in the Hashemite University Rehabilitation in the presence of Dr Khaled Abu Al-Tain, the President of the Conference and the Chairman of the Preparatory Committee.

As per the shared information, the meeting discussed organizational matters related to the conference, including the location of accommodation, organization of scientific sessions and an accompanying exhibition of events. In addition, a list of keynote speakers for the conference has been approved, which includes both:

1. Professor Dr Naveen Khashab, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia.

2. Prof. Dr Wolf Nelson, University of Lund, Sweden.

3. Prof. Dr Matthew Paige, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

4. Professor Dr Mahdi Abu Omar, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.

5. Professor Dr Philip Marriott Monache University Australia

6. Prof. Dr Philip Jessup, Queens University, Canada

During the meeting, it was agreed to encourage faculty members, researchers and graduate students in Jordanian universities to participate in the conference by sending research abstracts, which will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the conference.

Furthermore, it also included the best colleagues in each field of his speciality from various public and private universities, as well as the heads of chemistry departments In it.

On the sidelines of the meeting, Professor Dr Al-Bawab invited the officers of the Chemistry Department at the Hashemite University to participate in the 2023 General Body Meeting of the Jordanian Chemical Association, which was held on Thursday evening, 18-5-2023 at the University of Jordan.

The reports have stated that the general body meeting was held to present a summary of the latest updates related to the conference. Where Dr Aftiha presented a summary of what has been accomplished so far, the session witnessed interaction from the participants by submitting suggestions, proposals and questions.

It is noteworthy that several other officials were also present at the meeting, including Mr Dr Abeer Al-Bawab, Mr Fadwa Oudah, Mr Dr Ayman Isa, and Dr Alaa Fatiha, members of the committee. 

The meeting was attended by Professor Dr Adnan Abu Surah, the chairman of the scientific committee, and Dr Hassan Abu Al-Fatouh, a member of the organizing committee.


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