Ahead of the COP28, the UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) adopted a UAE(United Arab Emirates) led resolution. The resolution, namely 217 EX/36(2023), called for the enhanced role of culture and education in tackling climate change.
The UNESCO executive board had adopted this resolution 217 EX/36(2023). As per this resolution, culture and the educational value of any country or community can play a pivotal role in combating the negative effects of climate change at the world level.
The resolution also emphasises an intersectoral approach to sustainable development. This sectoral approach will be based on multidimensional efforts. The role of culture, education, renewable energy agencies, and cooperation across the UNESCO global network was especially mentioned in the resolution.
It is to be specifically mentioned that different educational mediums can be utilised to make the public understand the complex nature of climate change. Education institutions can be used to empower the public to take the necessary action at the individual level.
Climate-related education can be provided thorough classrooms, seminars, workshops, etc. This 217 EX/36(2023) resolution also highlighted the role of strong cultural attachment for the mitigation of climate effects.
With the growth of urbanisation level, huge migration occurred from villages to cities. People lost touch with culture in their daily life. It is worth mentioning that in many civilisations and cultures, there is great importance attached to environmental protection.
So resolution wants to draw public attention toward their cultural values that will ultimately inculcate in them a sense of environmental protection.
Meanwhile, IRENA(International Renewable Energy Agency) also made efforts to upgrade the education and skills to effectively implement climate-related policies, rules and regulations.
The resolution also calls for enhanced cooperation among the different agencies working in the field of climate change protection. The resolution underscored the importance of collective efforts against climate change’s negative effects.