Prime Minister of Iraq Mohammed S.Al-Sudani congratulated the people of Iraq on a national day. The national day of Iraq, also called ‘National Iraqi Day’,’ Independence Day’ is celebrated on 3rd October.On this day, Iraq gained independence from the Britain in 1932.
Iraq’s national day marks the end of British rule and the beginning of a new dawn of independence.
Prime Minister, in his congratulatory message,
said that Iraq has shone as a beacon of civilization, casting the light on the rest of the world. Moreover, the birth of the Iraqi state and its membership in the League of Nations marked continuation of potent and one of the most influential civilizations and cultural velues of Iraq.
Prime Minister added further that Iraq will continue to stay as a strongpost of stability, security, and prosperity in the region and world. As per him, with strong determination, Iraq will persist as an architects of peace and harmony.
As far as the question of Iraq’s independence day or national day is concerned, Iraq was part of the Ottoman Empire up to the end of the First World War. After the end of the Ottoman Empire, the British government took control of the Iraq.
After its control over Iraq territory, the British government renamed Iraq the as “state of Iraq” and installed the Hashemite King , Faisal 1, as ruler under the control of Britain.
Then, on 3rd October 1932, the Kingdom of Iraq was freed by the British government. on its independence, Iraq became a member of the League of the Nations with King Faisal as its monarch.
On death of King Faisal, his son King Ghazi took power, and this monarchy rule continued until 1958 when the 14th July revolution led to the creation of the Republic of Iraq.
Ba’ath party came into power on 17th July 1968 and declared it as official national independence day until 2006.
With the end of the Ba’ath party rule, the Iraqi cabinet directed the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to prepare a draft for Iraq National Day, separate from the other laws that were there to govern the other public holidays in Iraq.
Finally, in August 2020 , the Iraq cabinet accepted the draft law to declare the 3rd of October as the national day of Iraq .
While making announcement in this regard,the then cultural minister of Iraq Hassan Nazim explained that “the importance of this day is that it is an official and international recognition of the establishment of the Iraqi Government to be among the First Arab(countries) to gain independence”.
So, since the adoption of the draft concerning a national day of Iraq in August 2020, National Day in Iraq is celebrated on 3rd October every year.