Prime Minister of Israel, visited the Tesla plant
The prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu visited the Tesla plant , where he met the CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk.Both discussed various topics, from technology to politics , artificial intelligence , climate change, etc.
The Tesla CEO, called the PM of Israel as a strong leader with strong decision-making .Simiilary the Israeli PM has spoken many words of appreciation for the Tesla CEO . The pm called the Tesla CEO, a tech giant with a vision to improve the world.
The PM also spoke about how Elon Musk is holding his position as dynamic leader in field of technology . Elon musk’s pledge of freedom of expression also received great praise from Mr banzazmin.
. In this meeting, both the leaders, one from politics and another from technology, discuss artificial intelligence briefly. how artificial intelligence can be used positively, and what are the potential risks of AI if used without regulation.
As AI has the power to revolutionise the world, there is also a need for strict local and international rules, regulations and laws to make it more productive without any misuse .
According to Mr Netanyahu, the world is passing through a transition phase . It is time for nations to adjust according to global demands . Due to the advancement of technology world become a digitally connected village. In this digital world, technology companies have a great role to play by ensuring the reach of the internet to a maximum number of people .
Elon Musk also described how his company is determined to make live of people better .
Elon Musk also briefed the Israel PM on different kinds of efforts being taken by the company . These efforts are the commitment of Tesla to fulfil the requirement under corporate social responsibility. these corporate social respnsibilty is a concept to fix accouantbilty of corporate world