Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Saud Al-Thani who is current chariman (QCC) qatar cricket committee met mr greg barkley ICC chairman who is on tour to Qatar right now .
In a recent devolment taat took place in Qatar the chairman of national Qatar cricket comittee hold a meeting with the chairman of International cricket association .
In this meeting various aspects were discussed . These aspects includes progress of game of cricket in Qatar as well as in the gulf region .
Barkey while adreesing the the media after the meeting praised the steps taken by the Qatar .Mr barkey also told that Qatar need to speed up their intiative in this direction .
Qatar which is currently hosting many global , international and local crickewt tournament have gain special fame . ICC chairman congratulated the Qatar cricket comitee for this achivement .
Some years ago cricket was game of very limted number of nation .
Nowdays consisitent efforts are being carried out by many other countries too . Efforts on the side of Qatar govt are aimed to promote game of cricket in the region and especially in the Qatar .
Mr barkey also added international cricket council is doing great work to expand the base of cricket .ICC is looking to organised its events and matches to other new areas like bay area which is known for high grade pitches .
Barclay congratulated the committee’s chairman on Qatar’s success in organizing many significant international cricket tournaments and its unique role in the emergence of the Gulf Championship as the special competition of gulf countries .
Gulf countries are very excited with the annoucement of ICC chief . As annouceed by the ICC chief many gulf countries are expecting that big cricket tournament will be held their respective countriess. Cricket being game of name , fame ,and money , bring fresh reveneve to any country in the form for income from tourism activities .