Egypt: Minister of Immigration Soha Gendy raises military, diplomatic awareness
Egypt: Minister of Immigration Soha Gendy raises military, diplomatic awareness || image credits: Ministry of Immigration

Egypt: The Minister of State for Immigration and Egyptian Affairs Abroad and Ambassador Soha Gendy have held a meeting with several Arab and foreign military associates coming from across the world to raise awareness of those working in the military and diplomatic wire. 

The meeting was conducted as part of what the Ministry of Defence is doing in efforts in terms of ensuring better functionality in the military wire. On her part, Ambassador Soha Gendy, the Minister of Immigration, expressed her happiness by inviting the Ministry of Defence to meet Arab and foreign military associates

Egypt: Minister of Immigration Soha Gendy raises military, diplomatic awareness

She referred to Iraq, the Egyptian Diplomatic School, which has been extended since the ancient times of Egypt to this point and has always established good relations with different countries and respect for the sovereignty of each country.

In her remarks, she added that “As the Minister of Immigration reviewed the strategy of the Egyptian State in the Immigration and Immigrants file, it is clear that Egyptians abroad contributed to the development of many countries, especially the Arab brothers.” 

She stated that the partners who had the desire to take on Egyptian experiences and rely on them in development processes have been on the priority list of the Ministry of Immigration.

Egypt: Minister of Immigration Soha Gendy raises military, diplomatic awareness

It was also stated that the strategy of Egyptian Broad works as a result of the closeness and close relations between Egypt and its Arab brothers. She emphasized their participation in investment directly in many projects and worked to benefit from all our scholars and experts abroad. 

It was conveyed that the Egyptian abroad have linked them to sustainable development issues in Egypt and to provide all facilities to them in the fields of education, culture and other spheres.

Furthermore, Minister Gendy also expressed keenness in working continuously with all classes of Egyptian communities abroad and benefit from them in various ways. 

“The ministry is working by relying on a sustainable communication strategy to investigate their problems, humiliate the obstacles they face, and work to support their stability abroad,” she said.

The Minister also strengthens communication with Egyptian communities abroad through many means to connect them to their homeland and integrate them into development efforts within the country. As well as, relying on Egyptian entities abroad to deliver the correct picture of Egypt abroad was also discussed during the meeting.  

Egypt: Minister of Immigration Soha Gendy raises military, diplomatic awareness

The Egyptian entities abroad are communicated around the world to listen to their views, discuss their ideas and suggestions, as well as to promote the Egyptian national identity in the lives of the emerging generations abroad through the Arabic Speaking Initiative and the Presidential Initiative “Root Revival”.

“The Minister of Immigration started to deal with the Sudanese crisis, as the Operations Room of the Ministry of Immigration was activated after the events in Sudan for hours to monitor the situation of Egyptians on the ground in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy and the Consulate in Sudan,” noted the Minister.

She also said that various virtual meetings were held via video conferences with the Egyptian students in Sudan and a number of parents to listen to them and to reassure their situation in the light of the turmoil that our sister country is experiencing and to follow up the situation of Egyptian students through the Standing Committee for Monitoring Students Abroad.

The operations were headed by the Ministry of Immigration, instructed by Mr President of the Republic and members of representatives of the ministries concerned. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Higher Education and various institutions specialized in researching the updates of our children In Sudan also implemented strategies to discuss finding ways and mechanisms to deal with the crisis of Egyptian university students in Sudan following the clashes there.

Ambassador Soha Gendy pointed out that the Ministry of Immigration is working systematically in accordance with the vision of the Egyptian state to train and rehabilitate the workforce and provide safe alternatives for the Egyptian youth. 

“Here comes the active role of the Egyptian German Center for Employment Training, which aims to train and requalify Egyptian youth according to the needs and standards of the foreign labour market,” said Gendy.

The cooperation with the agency Germany for International Cooperation has closed the unemployment gap in a number of European countries and is headed by Germany. 

The Egyptian state is also making great efforts to combat the phenomenon of illegal immigration through the “Survivor Boats” initiative by raising awareness of the risks of this phenomenon.


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