Middle East: NMEC hosts meeting for artefacts maintenance and restoration

Middle East: The start of the second scientific meeting of the centre for maintenance and restoration of artefacts in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization under the title of "Scientific and applied studies in maintenance and restoration of artefacts."

Middle East: NMEC hosts meeting for artefacts maintenance and restoration
Middle East: NMEC hosts meeting for artefacts maintenance and restoration (image credits Facebook)

Middle East: The start of the second scientific meeting of the centre for maintenance and restoration of artefacts in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization under the title of “Scientific and applied studies in maintenance and restoration of artefacts.”

According to the recent updates, the activities of the second scientific meeting of the Center for Maintenance and Restoration of Artefacts in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat, with the participation of a large number of researchers and specialists in the sciences of maintenance and restoration.

Furthermore, the events of meeting were attended by Mr Moomen Othman, Head of the Museum Sector at the Supreme Council for Archaeology. Dr Manal Abdul Moneim Ghannam, Head of the Central Administration for Maintenance and Restoration of the Council, Dr Badawi Ismail, the consultant of the museum and specialized works, and a number of specialists from Egyptian universities.

The archaeological missions and foreign institutes in Egypt, the restoration specialist at the Supreme Council of Archaeology, staff In research centres and students of different faculties of archaeology and restoration departments was also present at the event.

This is in addition to the presence of more than 50 researchers and specialists from various Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Jordan, virtually through video conference technology.

On his part, Dr Ahmed Ghanim, the executive president of the museum’s board, during which he met with a welcome speech, emphasizing the museum’s keenness to embrace such scientific events, which provide the opportunity for various scientific personnel to participate and exchange their studies, research and scientific experiences.

The museum’s keenness also plays an important role in the scientific and scientific achievements in archaeology, preservation and maintenance of archaeology. 

It comes with the awareness of the importance of activating the scientific role of the Museum and Restoration Centre to be a hub of scientific research in the field of local, regional and international maintenance and restoration of artefacts.

Moreover, he also praised the role of the private sector as a representative in Analysis and Gene Tech, which supported and sponsored the scientific summit. 

In addition, On his part, Dr Maisra Abdullah, Vice President of the Museum of Archaeology, said that this is the second time this important scientific meeting is being organized.  

The meeting comes in conjunction with the museum’s preparations for the opening of a number of distinguished scientific laboratories, which enriches the restoration centre to become an integrated research centre in various fields of Archaeology sciences.

Mr Mohamed Sayed Abdel Shafi, General Manager of the Museum’s Restoration and Maintenance Center, added that the scientific meeting comes as a continuation of the implementation of the restoration centre’s strategy to enhance the skills of the employees’ experiences of restoration and science specialists.



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