Egypt, December 12th,
The Minister of MCIT (Ministry of Communication and Information Technology), Egypt, Amr Talaat, updated that he has signed a Memorandum of Understanding between Egypt and Zambia to promote their cooperation in the field of Communication and Information Technology today, December 12th, in Cairo.
In his statement, Dr Amr Talaat stated that the nation is keen to make its bond and alliance stronger with the African countries, and the relationship between Egyptian and Zambian culture in the digital transformation field along with mail, capacity building and international infrastructure is a great start to achieve collective rewards.
The Minister of Technology and Science of Zambia, Mr Felix Mutati, noted on his behalf that the Zambian IT sector is looking forward to learning and benefiting from the successful experience and knowledge of Egypt in this field along with various telecommunication and IT domains.
As per the reports, during the meeting, both ministers talked extensively and discussed the key areas of the agreed cooperation between them in the field of Communication and Information Technology, along with the implementation of the mechanism in every way possible that meets mutual involvement and interests of both countries.
Furthermore, during the meeting, MCIT Minister Dr Amr Talat stressed that “Egypt has always sought to support cooperation with all its brothers from African countries, noting that the special relations between Egypt and Zambia are growing steadily on all levels”,
Talaat further added that “Leading to the agreement on several magazines Machines of mutual interest for me For the two countries and related to the fields of communication and information technology which include: cooperation, exchange of experiences, insights and success stories in both countries in the field of digital transformation and benefiting from the digital Egypt experience, as well as cooperation in start-ups”.
Additionally, the Egyptian Minister emphasized that collaborating in the field of human development aiming at widening the competencies and skills base in All communication science and information technology by hosting a group of Zambian youth to receive training at the IIT and the National IIT and research the possibility of hosting a group of students from Zambia to study at the Egyptian University of Information.
Moreover, the Minister of Technology and Science of Zambia, Felix Mutati, also said that “This cooperation aims to leverage the successful Egyptian experience in all communications and information technology sectors in a way that supports efforts in Zambia to achieve digital transformation; It is seen that no country alone can achieve digital transformation but it must From building partnerships to make it happen”, He noted.
The reports said that the Zambian Minister, Felix Mutati, has expressed his gratitude towards the signed memorandum and a keen eagerness to start and transfer all the utilities, information, and experience that Egypt possesses in the respective IT field.
He showed his sheer interest in putting all the resources and expertise to good use Zambia will get from Egypt.
The event was also attended by several top ministry officials from both counties, such as Dr Sharif Farouk, Chairman of the Egyptian Postal Board, Engr. Ahmed Al-Dahher, the CEO of ITITDA; and Engr. Sherin Al-Jundy, Assistant Minister of Communications and Information Technology for Strategy and Nuclearization Engr. Saif Munib,
Deputy Executive Chairman for International Affairs and Operations of the Egyptian Telecom Company and several executive leaders in the two ministries, Engr. Khaled Ibrahim, Chairman of the IT industry and Dr Mustafa Saleh, Vice Chairman of the IT industry chamber.
In the end, the signed memorandum also states to assist international linkage efforts in Zambia, provide support to Zambia in the field of e-learning, human capacity building and skills development through Egypt’s Strategic to build human capacity and implement several activities aimed at twinning and knowledge transfer Regarding the current Egyptian ability.