Jordan: PM Bishr Al-Khasawneh chairs cabinet session, agrees on traffic regulations draft 
Jordan: PM Bishr Al-Khasawneh chairs cabinet session, agrees on traffic regulations draft  (image credits: Prime Ministry of Jordan)

Jordan: The Prime Minister of Jordan, Dr Bishr Al-Khasawneh, chaired a session with his Cabinet ministers on Wednesday and agreed on the grounds for a draft amendment law for the Traffic Law for 2023 AD, and the proceedings of its issuance are due.

According to the reports, PM Bisher Al-Khasawneh noted that the draft law comes to keep up with the large increase in the numbers of vehicles and markets and technical developments that have affected vehicle types, specifications and equipment.

It was also stated that increase the achievement of traffic safety and limit accidents by tightening penalties for offences that directly or indirectly cause the loss of lives.

Jordan: PM Bishr Al-Khasawneh chairs cabinet session, agrees on traffic regulations draft

The draft law also aims to tighten penalties for offenders and repeats of traffic safety rule violations that pose a danger to road users and public and private property, as well as expansion of road safety tariffs in accordance with the age.

In addition, the reflection on the facilitation, simplification and implementation of regulatory procedures of traffic rules were also discussed in order to keep up with the progress of the report Traffic, transportation, and electronic adoption of vehicles, drivers, violations, monitoring and accident maps data.

The reports have confirmed that the bill will form a higher traffic safety council, meaning traffic policies and unification of various efforts related to traffic and transport. The Cabinet has also approved an amended regime for the Special Tourist Transport Licensing System for 2023 AD.

“The revised system comes in view of the decrease in the number of tourist transport buses, the increase in domestic and foreign tourist bookings compared to previous years in conjunction with the Hajj and Umrah season,” reported sources.

Furthermore, to grant the specialized tourist transport companies a period of time to correct the status of their tourist vehicles that were not less than a year made in 2006 within a year of running out In accordance with the decision of the previous Cabinet on this particular matter.

The Council also approved the Medical Plant Regulation for 2023 AD to regulate the handling of plants whose derivatives may be used for medical, medicinal, or scientific purposes, or lawful industrial purposes, and at the same time may be produced from seeds, or parts of them, narcotic substances, or psychological effects.

The Council of Ministers has approved the justifications for the 2023 Agricultural Risk Compensation System project, in conjunction with the issuance of the revised Law of the Agricultural Risk Management Fund, 2021, which has required the issuance of a system that defines the basis, conditions and ceilings of farmers’ compensation for agricultural risks.

He also agreed on the reasons for the project of the state property preservation system for 2023; the purpose of tightening the control of state property, monitoring the assaults that occur on them, organizing the mechanism of arresting offenders and their referral to the specialized court and the application of the deterrent penalties provided by law for them.

The Cabinet has approved the reasons for the project of an amended system for the Jordanian Armed Forces and Security Agencies Development Projects Fund system for 2023 AD, aiming to give the defence industries and security solutions sector the right care and attention.

In order to establish the development and development of the sector, by finding the necessary legislative basis to create an umbrella for His affairs and supervision and regulate all provisions pertaining to this sector at the strategic and executive levels.

The project of system also aims to enable the Fund for Development and Investment Projects of the Jordanian Armed Forces and Security Agencies to implement and develop its goals and to make necessary improvements to its management style and supervision of its works and projects.

The Council of Ministers also agreed on the grounds for the project of an amended system of Employee System at the German University of Jordan for 2023, in accordance with the texts of the Jordanian Labor Law and in pursuit of the principle of justice in calculating holidays and holidays.

Meanwhile, the Cabinet has decided to approve the launch of the Occupational Safety and Health Strategy for the prevention and reduction of work accidents and injuries for the years (2023-2027 AD) prepared by the General Social Security Institution in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and partners from the public and private sectors.

The strategy aims to develop a culture of positive occupational safety and health, provide a safe working environment in facilities, and raise awareness and compliance with occupational health and safety procedures in order to prevent and limit workplace accidents and injuries.

According to the recommendations of the Committee for Reviewing the Claims pending between payers and/or violators, and the Jordanian Customs Service, in settlement (17) of cases for payers and violators, strip their commitment to pay the full amounts remaining to them with any fees, taxes or expenses within two months from the date of issuance of this decision.


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