Egypt: The Minister of Environment, Yasmin Fouad, has recently taken part in the celebration of National Environment Day 2020. The Air Force Museum organized the event on the “Role of youth in protecting the environment. The road after COP 27 for students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar Al-Sharif University.
As per the updates, Yasmin Fouad, the Minister of the Environment, has stated that working continuously to raise environmental awareness and restore the momentum once again on the issue of climate change in all walks of society in the governorates of the Republic.
The event was held under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment through the General Administration of Culture and Environmental Awareness of the Central Administration for Media and Environmental Awareness and organized and implemented an environmental event at the Air Force Museum.
In her remarks, Yasmin Fouad cited, “The role of youth in protecting the environment is essential as the youth holds power to shape our future in many terms”, The road after COP (Conference of Parties 27″ in cooperation with the National Council of Youth and the Supreme Council for Culture (Committee of Geography and Environment), with the participation of the students of the Faculty of Agriculture at Al-Azhar Sharif University”.
As per the sources, the event included holding a seminar on the Role of youth in protecting the environment after cop 27, a national dialogue on the importance of youth’s Role in preserving the environment and a discussion of many environmental issues.
“The role of the state in reducing emissions to combat climate change, and the importance of youth in continuing development and emphasizing the importance of their role in raising awareness of their surroundings which found wide interaction among the participants”, said Minister Fouad.
The Ministry of the Environment celebrates National Environment Day 2020 on the ministry’s social media platforms under the slogan (The Road to Post Cop27), by presenting a series of videos and notices raising awareness of the climate change issue and its efforts to tackle it globally and national levels, and raising awareness of the importance of environmental conservation as an extension of the COP27 Conference of the Parties.
National Environment Day is a national occasion aimed at raising awareness of environmental issues and challenges, encouraging citizens to adopt positive attitudes towards the environment.
It also encourages the youth to face national environmental challenges and preserve natural resources for generations; this occasion is a clear example of increasing attention at the official and national level in Egypt on ecological issues, said officials.