Israeli Air Defenses Intercept Cruise Missile Over Golan Heights; IDF Drone Mistakenly Shot Down

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an amalgamation of armed groups associated with the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), has previously claimed responsibility for numerous drone attacks on Israel

Iranian Journalists Face Escalating Threats and Violence Abroad: UN Experts Warn

The Iranian authorities and their proxies have intensified their campaign of harassment, falsely accusing Persian media abroad of inciting unrest and exacerbating the abuse

Egypt: TM Ayman Ashour announces Damanhour university participation in archaeology mission

 The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Ayman Ashour has recently announced that Damanhour University Sciences participates in the archaeological mission to explore the Archaeological Barnoji Hill.

Minister Yasmin Fouad participates in National Environment Day Egypt

Egypt: The Minister of Environment, Yasmin Fouad, has recently taken part in the celebration of National Environment Day 2020. The Air Force Museum organized the event on the "Role of youth in protecting the environment. The road after COP 27 for students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar Al-Sharif University.

Egypt: Minister Yasmin Fouad stresses on environmentally friendly economic development

Egypt: The Minister of Environment, Yasmin Fouad, recently attended a meeting with Engineer Mohamed Al-Swedi,...

Egypt: Minister Yasmin Fouad reveals environment assessment reports

Egypt: The Environment Minister of Egypt, Dr Yasmin Fouad, recently reviewed the statistical numbers achieved through reports on the efforts made by the Ministry of Environment to improve the water quality in the country. Yasmin Fouad stated that the ministry has closely monitored and assessed the reports as per the maintained standards of the Environment Ministry.

READ HERE: Yasmin Fouad reviews reports to improve water quality in Egypt

Egypt: The Environment Minister of Egypt, Dr Yasmin Fouad, took it to review the statistics and reports on efforts and hard work that the Ministry of Environment has done to improve the water quality in the country.

Egypt: Hayat Karima Foundation introduces ‘Tokatsu’ model in schools

The Hayat Karima Foundation in Egypt has been carrying out a Presidential initiative called 'Hayat Life' under which a framework was launched in a new model inside the Education System 2.0 in Egypt through implementing model 'Tokatsu' activities in a number of public schools in Hayat Karima Villages.

Egypt: Minister Amr Talaat delivers speech in Senate meeting, Discusses plans

Egypt: The Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Dr Amr Talaat, recently attended the Plenary session of the Senate Meeting in the presence of Chancellor and Chairman of the Council Abdul Wahab Abdul Raziq, along with a number of senior government officials.

Egypt: MCIT ministry organizes Technology Workshop for Foreign Affair Ministers

The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) has updated that the ministry has organized a workshop under the framework of Technology and Creativity, especially for the Foreign Ministry Diplomats.

Egypt: Yasmin Fouad delivers speech at 17th Flag Day at Cairo University

Egypt: The Ministry of the Environment has stated its participation in celebrating the 17th Flag Day at Cairo University Egypt. 

Egypt: MCIT Minister Dr Amr Talaat participates in meeting of OECD on December 15

The Minister of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Dr Amr Talaat, has participated in the events of the ministerial meeting of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for Digital Economy.

Egyptian Minister, Dr Yasmin Fouad travels to Canada to attend COP15 Conference

The Environment Minister of Egypt, Dr Yasmin Fouad, travelled to Canada yesterday, December 13th, to participate in the high-level Biodiversity Conference COP15 (Conference of Parties), held from December 7th to 15th.

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Israeli Air Defenses Intercept Cruise Missile Over Golan Heights; IDF Drone Mistakenly Shot Down

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an amalgamation of armed groups associated with the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), has previously claimed responsibility for numerous drone attacks on Israel

Iranian Journalists Face Escalating Threats and Violence Abroad: UN Experts Warn

The Iranian authorities and their proxies have intensified their campaign of harassment, falsely accusing Persian media abroad of inciting unrest and exacerbating the abuse

Israeli Army Secures Philadelphi Corridor Amid Rising Tensions in Gaza

The military action in the Philadelphi Corridor comes amid intense fighting in Rafah, a city in the southern Gaza Strip that has become a flashpoint in the current conflict

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