Egypt: The Ministry of State for Immigration and Egyptians Abroad has recently stated the commencement of the campaign “Egyptian investors abroad answer: Why should we invest in Egypt?” and hosted Ashraf Dous, an Egyptian businessman.
According to the updates, an Egyptian businessman in the United States of America, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vern Pro Global Company, and the owner of the Downtown logistics area in Delta, Western Governorate, Engineer Ashraf Dous, participated in the campaign discussions organized by the Ministry of Immigration as part of promoting the Egyptian State.
On his part, he added, “The volume of our investments directed to Egypt reaches 25 billion pounds. What Egypt achieved during the previous period, great countries could not achieve in the same period.” “The campaign focused on the Egyptian state and its achievements and to stimulate investment efforts within the Ministry of Immigration strategy to communicate with investors abroad,” he noted.
On her part, Ambassador Saha Jundy welcomed the Immigration Minister Engineer Ashraf Doss, noting that the campaign aims to highlight the attraction of the Egyptian market and promising investment opportunities in various areas under the development process in Egypt and providing infrastructure at the highest level.
She further pointed out that by taking Measures that will facilitate investors, including the creation of a unit chaired by the Prime Minister to solve investors’ problems, the State also worked to prepare the investment climate. In addition, the campaign includes short videos in which our Egyptian experts abroad give a brief presentation and testimony about investing in Egypt.
Engineer Ashraf Dous, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fern Pro Global Investment Company, expressed his happiness about participating in the Ministry of Immigration campaign titled “Egyptian Investors Abroad answers: Why should we invest in Egypt?” “, he said he emigrated to America thirty years ago and was keen to visit Egypt every year, and in the last five years he decided to invest in Egypt.
He clarified that his decision to return and invest in Egypt was based on the major change brought by the political leadership in different sectors of the Egyptian State, such as the most important incentive to pump investments in Egypt after the great success of the company in the United States of America (USA), and a number of countries in the Middle East region, said reports.
“We have determined the volume of investments directed to Egypt of 25 billion pounds, 6 billion pounds of which were pumped into the logistics area project in the Delta region of the western governorate. This project provides employment opportunities for about 50 thousand young people, considering that this project is a model that can be followed and implemented in different governorates by companies and investors,” as per Dous.
Engineer Ashraf Doss said that the world is going through a global economic crisis that affected all countries, including those with strong economies, confirming that Egypt’s financial situation is much better than other globally classified countries.
Notably, Egyptians, at this point, need to look at the global economic situation to ensure that price inflation is in All countries. A higher percentage than in Egypt, including the United States, whose inflation rates and prices have risen to unprecedented record levels of nearly 70%, and the American citizen is in shock from these increases, he pointed out.
He added that what the Egyptian State has achieved in the past five years of positive change on all levels is difficult for major countries to accomplish in the same period, which calls for optimism and to make more effort to overcome the difficult phase, confirming that the Egyptian market has investment opportunities and important attractiveness factors, despite all the economic challenges that Facing the world at its stage.