Egypt: WRI Minister Hany Sweilm heads COP27 climate conference to adapt AWARe initiative

The Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Professor Dr Hany Sweilm, chaired the session of "Water at the COP27 Climate Conference and adaptation in Water Sector Initiative" held as part of the events of the United Nations Water Conference in New York.

Egypt: WRI Minister Hany Sweilm heads COP27 climate conference to adapt AWARe initiative
Egypt: WRI Minister Hany Sweilm heads COP27 climate conference to adapt AWARe initiative (image credits Facebook)

The Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Professor Dr Hany Sweilm, chaired the session of “Water at the COP27 Climate Conference and adaptation in Water Sector Initiative” held as part of the events of the United Nations Water Conference in New York.

On his part, Minister Swelim stated that the “AWARe initiative will stimulate comprehensive cooperation to address water challenges, increase resilience and provide solutions to tackle climate change.” In addition, he added that the initiative aims to implement projects in the field of climate change adaptation in developing countries, especially African countries.

As per the reports, the initiative in its current form results from multiple rounds. The consultation during and after COP27 other than virtual meetings and meetings with various regional and international organizations and Foreign Ministry efforts. Furthermore, the Regional Training Center for Water Resources will serve as an African Center for Training in the Field of Climate Change.

He further cited that the projects are in motion and implementing the initiative in cooperation with many countries and partner organizations. He noted that it would stimulate comprehensive collaboration to address water challenges, increase resilience and provide solutions to climate change.

Meanwhile, as global water and climate challenges affect billions of inhabitants worldwide, noting that this important initiative aims to work on climate change adaptation projects in developing countries, especially African countries.

The reports added that the initiative in its current form is the result of multiple rounds of consultation, both during and after the COP27 conference other than virtual meetings and meetings held with various regional and international organizations, the efforts of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry and Egyptian missions in both New York and Geneva, Dr Sweelm noted.

His Sovereignty reviewed the six initiative axes, which include:
– (Observation of the non-impact of economic growth on freshwater use and its decline in freshwater use
– green water calculation when developing national water use plans, adaptation, mitigation and protection strategies for freshwater ecosystems
– cooperation on the international river basin on adaptation to climate change
– Enhancement of Sustainable, low-emission, low-cost management of drinking water and wastewater
– developing early alarm systems for extreme climate phenomena
– linking national water policies and measures to climate action to reflect the long-term impacts of climate change on and demand for water resources).
Meanwhile, Minister Sweilm also reviewed the ways of implementing the initiative, which included facilitated financing frameworks, applicable technology transfer procedures, and work on building capacities in the field of water.

He further clarified that Egypt would provide its centres specialized for this purpose through the Regional Training Center for Water Resources, which will serve as an African Center for Training in the Field of Climate change, with work on developing the institutional capacity of the centre and improving the quality of its training.



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