Jordan: SG of Transport Ministry Wasem Al Tatamouni seeks to install tracking system in 90% of vehicles

Kingdom of Jordan: The Secretary General of the Ministry of Transport for Jordan, Wasem Al Tatamouni, has recently shared an update regarding the government vehicle tracking project which includes 90% of the vehicles that must be subject to the tracking system, Wednesday, March 29, 2023.

Jordan: SG of Transport Ministry Wasem Al Tatamouni seeks to install tracking system in 90% of vehicles
Jordan: SG of Transport Ministry Wasem Al Tatamouni seeks to install tracking system in 90% of vehicles(image credits Facebook)

Kingdom of Jordan: The Secretary General of the Ministry of Transport for Jordan, Wasem Al Tatamouni, has recently shared an update regarding the government vehicle tracking project which includes 90% of the vehicles that must be subject to the tracking system, Wednesday, March 29, 2023.

According to the recent update, the-news program on the Kingdom added that the ministry is submitting a tender this year to complete the rest of the vehicles required to track, noting that the reference conditions for the tender had been set, said the Secretary General of Ministry of Transportation.

Furthermore, it was also pointed out that It was shown that a tender would be submitted for one thousand new devices to be installed on government vehicles, and then the general number would be completed in the Kingdom of Jordan.

In addition, while extending her remarks, SG Wasem Al Tatamouni pointed out that the vehicle tracking project achieved a financial abundance of more than 4.2 million dinars from its launch in 2017 until the end of last year.

Furthermore, she also took it to convey that the project had a role in reactivating stagnant cars in ministries and government departments, said the reports. 

Moreover, Secretary General stressed that the tracking project contributed to reducing government vehicle violations by 45% by linking vehicles to electronic traffic commands so that the Court of Accounts can monitor their performance commitment to traffic orders until the vehicle exits.

On his part, Minister of Public Works, Housing and Minister of Transport Maher Abu Al-Samn had confirmed that the idea of the electronic tracking project, since the start of its implementation, has focused on adjusting vehicles within the official framework of work, reducing waste and adjusting expenses.

While sharing his remarks, he also pointed out that the goals of the system expanded to include achieving justice between governmental entities by redistributing unused stationary vehicles to others; while about (180) stationary vehicles and automobiles were redistributed, achieving significant financial savings instead of buying new vehicles and machinery.        


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