Egypt mourns tragic deaths of 78 refugees in boat sinking off Greek coast
Egypt mourns tragic deaths of 78 refugees in boat sinking off Greek coast || image credits: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Facebook)

Egypt: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt recently issued a statement mourning the unfortunate deaths of at least 78 (seventy-eight) victims of illegal immigration due to the boat sinking off the Greek coast on Wednesday, June 14th, 2023. It has been stated that the deceased was crossing the water body on an overcrowded fishing boat, costing them their lives.

As per the latest information, the entire nation of Egypt has been mourning the accidental deaths of illegal immigrants from different nationalities, including Egyptians, while expressing the deepest and most heartfelt condolences to their families and beloved ones. 

A recent statement issued by the Ministry of External Affairs of Egypt stated that the heart-wrenching incident was reported with great sadness and sorrow.

Furthermore, the investigations reports have clarified that the incident took place while the boat had set off from the Libyan coast towards Europe, carrying hundreds of illegal immigrants from a range of nationalities. 

Meanwhile, it has been stated that “The Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Athens is following up with the relevant Greek authorities around the clock on the rescue operations and recovering the bodies of the victims to confirm the identity and numbers of the Egyptian victims.”

The reports have also disclosed that “The investigation and rescue authorities are also following up on the status of survivors whose identities have been identified and provide them with the necessary services.” 

On the other hand, it was said that Egypt reaffirms its condemnation, in the strongest terms, of the continued exploitation of organized gangs of illegal immigration crimes for the need of those who are looking for better life and work opportunities, exposing their lives to the dangers of death and loss of hope.

In this regard, Egypt asserted that it had taken decisive and innovative measures over the past years to put in place deterrent laws to address the crime of illegal immigration and anyone involved in organizing or facilitating it. 

This comes in addition to the measures that have been taken to control the borders to prevent illegal immigrants from crossing the Egyptian coast.

In the end, the Egyptian Government once again extended its sincere condolences and sympathy to the families and relatives of the victims of this tragic accident, calling upon God the Almighty to grant them patience and solace.


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