Egypt: NMEC Prez Ahmed Ghanim hosts EU High Representative Josep Borrell
Egypt: NMEC Prez Ahmed Ghanim hosts EU High Representative Josep Borrell || image credits: Ministry of Tourism (Facebook)

Egypt: Ahmed Ghanim, the Executive President of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC), has recently welcomed the High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Deputy President of the European Commission, Mr Josep Borrell.

The reports stated, “On the margin of his current official visit to Egypt, the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, Security Policy, and Deputy President of the European Commission, and the accompanying delegation, received Mr Josep Borrell, the European Union Ambassador to Cairo.”

In addition, it was outlined that “In their reception, Dr Ahmed Ghanim, the executive president of the museum, welcomed them and presented them with an overview of the museum’s unique location, its history, cultural and social role.”

Furthermore, Dr Marian Adel Amina accompanied them on a tour inside the museum, during which they got to know the reception building, the area overlooking the Ain Hayat Lake, the outdoor theatre, and the different halls of the museum. 

“I gave them a detailed explanation about the historical sequence of Egypt’s civilization, the greatness and creativity of the ancient Egyptians in various arts, through the treasures displayed in the museum,” said Marian Adel Amina.

The vice president of the European Commission expressed his admiration for the artefacts on display, especially those in the main hall, where he was impressed by the medical artefacts that testify to the brilliance of ancient Egyptians, especially the industrial end of the foot of an ancient Egyptian princess.

He also expressed his happiness to see the royal mummies that dazzled the whole world during their transfer in A majestic parade two years ago; they also made sure to record their visit to the museum by taking many memorial photos.

At the end of the tour, the Vice President of the European Commission made sure to record a speech in the senior visitors’ book expressing his happiness about the visit and the good reception by the museum’s management.

In the end, Dr Ahmed Ghanim also presented Josep Borrell with a catalogue of royal mummies, considered an icon of the museum’s exhibitions.


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