Minister Nevine El Kabbaj streamlines online registration for women with disabilities 
Minister Nevine El Kabbaj streamlines online registration for women with disabilities || image credits: Minister of Social Solidarity

Egypt: The Minister of Social Solidarity, Nevine El-Kabbaj, has recently announced that the ministry has facilitated the registration process for women with disabilities through online application after the end of the technical break holiday. 

This comes as a part of the ministry’s keenness to complete the databases of persons with disabilities, especially women, in a bid to guarantee their integral rights and improve their quality of life.

The Minister of Social Solidarity confirmed that the electronic application is titled In addition, the application launched by the ministry aims to record all the data of women with disabilities to monitor their social, economic, educational, and practical nature of work, social protection and insurance, and other data.

Furthermore, “The ministry announced days ago that the confinement has reached 180 thousand women by the end of June 2023 and is continuing until the end of September”, noted Minister El-Kabbaj.

Meanwhile, the ministry has praised the effort made by social leaders in various governorates of the Republic in lockdown and registration measures for those who cannot register online from women with disabilities.

Minister El Kabbaj further indicated that ladies who have been barricaded before either to get ‘dignity’ cash support or to extract an integrated services card would not register again on the app, as the ministry has already finished recording all their data.

The ministry appealed to women with disabilities to quickly register on the electronic application so that their situation can be studied in light of the state’s keenness to bail out the rights of persons with disabilities in accordance with relevant legislation and the state’s general budget.

In the end, it is worth mentioning that a mini committee has been formed to monitor different subjects under Law No. 10 of 2018, to review and re-read these materials in a fair manner for all types of disabilities with their gradual and varied degrees, each according to his ability and merits, with the greatest investment in his energy for his merit and public interest.


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