The Social Solidarity Minister of Egypt, Nevine El-Kabbaj, has recently followed up on the continuation of the delegation of NGO pilgrims from Cairo to the Holy Feelings in Saudi Arabia in preparation for the duty of Hajj.
The delegation of the NGO pilgrims continues until next Wednesday, with the arrival of the last regiment of NGO Pilgrims to the sacred feelings to complete it. The arrival of 5250 Hajji from civil societies in Mecca and Medina has been recorded.
As per the official update, the head of the official mission for the Hajj of Civil Associations arrives in Holy Mecca, raising the maximum readiness to humiliate any difficulties the pilgrims face in performing the Manask.

It has been reported that the Minister of Social Solidarity has made sure to open a hotline with the official delegation for the NGO pilgrimage to check on the health of the NGO pilgrims, whether they have arrived in Mecca or Medina, and their accommodation in the contracted hotels.
Minister Kabbaj has also requested all members of the mission to make their best efforts and raise the maximum readiness for work on easing the pilgrims and humiliating the difficulties in front of them so that they perform the prayers easily.

“This comes at a time when Mr Ayman Abdul-Mujoud, Assistant to the Minister of Social Solidarity for Affairs of Al-Ahly Community Organizations, the head of the official delegation pilgrimage, arrived in Mecca,” said the updates.
Following this, he headed the official mission’s work. Upon arrival, he made sure that all matters related to the pilgrims of relief and service Medical in coordination with the official mission of the Ministry of Health and Population existing in the Holy Lands.

It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Social Solidarity, through the National Institution for Hajj Facilitation, has succeeded in contracting hotels of high level, either in Mecca or Medina, to house the pilgrims of the associations in stages in accordance with the travel and aviation authorization.
The reports said that the Ministry of Social Solidarity has also contracted with the largest mass transport companies in Saudi Arabia to transport pilgrims during Manask in the Holy Feelings, as well as allocating supervisors to monitor the pilgrims and bring down any obstacles they may encounter.
Notably, a supervisor was allocated for every 46 pilgrims, as well as presence of preachers to provide all the religious information required for the pilgrims during the Manask and answer all their inquiries. In addition, a clinic has been set up at the headquarters of the pilgrim to provide them with health care by the mission of the Ministry of Social Solidarity.