Iraq: PM Mohammed Shia Al Sudani issues supporting measures for Journalists on Iraqi Press National Day
Iraq: PM Mohammed Shia Al Sudani issues supporting measures for Journalists on Iraqi Press National Day || image credits: PM Office (Facebook)

Iraq: The Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq – Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, has recently issued a set of mandatory measures and guidelines to support Iraqi journalists and media organizations as part of the celebration of the 154th National Day of the Iraqi Press. The Prime Minister has extended heartfelt congratulatory messages to the national journalists and media personnel on the special occasion.

As per the latest information, on the instance, the Iraqi Prime Minister has also issued various instructions and guidelines to all ministries, governorates, and government agencies to express support to the press and media professionals with official licenses from the Communications and Media Commission, ensuring the removal of obstacles and providing the essential support, as mandated by the law.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Mohammad Shia Al Sudani has also instructed the relevant authorities to offer subsidized Internet services to media institutions. He has also emphasized and issued guidelines in order to review the financial transfers for media entities, including satellite channels and media offices.

Iraq: PM Mohammed Shia Al Sudani issues supporting measures for Journalists on Iraqi Press National Day

Moreover, the issued reports have also mentioned that these actions aim to support the media profession in Iraq in accordance with the Central Bank of Iraq law and regulations governing international money transfers.

In addition, in order to streamline the movement of licensed international press and media personnel, Iraqi Prime Minister Al Sudani has instructed all checkpoints across governorates to ensure compliance.

Iraq: PM Mohammed Shia Al Sudani issues supporting measures for Journalists on Iraqi Press National Day

This includes facilitating the issuance of entry visas for journalists working in media offices and channels operating in Iraq, facilitating transportation of their professional equipment, and simplifying their residency procedures in Iraq per the Foreigners’ Residence Law No. (76) of 2017.

In line with his ongoing support, the Prime Minister has instructed measures to streamline social security paperwork for press personnel across media institutions. Additionally, he has called for a review of water and electricity fees levied on media channels and offices, along with electricity generator fuel charges.


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