Indian origin tech CEOs inspiring world to follow their path

India: The top tech leaders across the world share a common connection and roots of being an Indian national, whether Alphabet's Sundar Pichai, Microsoft's Satya Nadella along with CEOs of Adobe, IBM, VMWare, Palo Alto Networks, reports Bhutan Live. 

Indian origin tech CEOs inspiring world to follow their path
Indian origin tech CEOs inspiring world to follow their path (image credits google)

India: The top tech leaders across the world share a common connection and roots of being an Indian national, whether Alphabet’s Sundar Pichai, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella along with CEOs of Adobe, IBM, VMWare, Palo Alto Networks, reports Bhutan Live. 

The statistics have confirmed that Indian-born CEOs are the most wealthiest and most educated in the US (United States), living in Silicon Valley among the four million minorities, said Bhutan Live. The reports also stated that the CEO of Youtube also belongs to India and was recently appointed to the position. 

Furthermore, among all, there are nearly a million engineers and scientists. In addition, the lion’s share of work permits and 70% of H-1B visas are issued to software engineers in India. Moreover, around 40% of the engineers in the cities like Seattle are also from India, added Bhutan Live. 

The Bhutan Live further wrote that most of the CEOs graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), which is considered the most prestigious educational institution in India and has an acceptance rate of less than two per cent. 

Only the topmost brains from India can secure admission to IIT, which reflects the quality of education that engineers receive there who migrate to the USA (United States of America).

Meanwhile, Bhutan Live also emphasized the quality of education in India in the fields of Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering. As per the reports, a large number of the migrants from India are highly educated, with around 77.5% who had a bachelor’s degree or higher in 2016.

Furthermore, it is also reported that Engineers from upper-middle-class families are most likely to afford quality education in English Medium Schools which makes it easier for them to choose this path and climb the ladder to American Corporate culture. 

One of the significant factors assisting them in their success is the ability to speak flawless English, which they learn from their top-class education institutions throughout their life. 

Moreover, a large chunk of education scholarships is also there to help them in their journey abroad to those who managed to get into their graduate programme. 




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