PM Terrance Drew unveils ambitious capital projects in St Kitts and Nevis 
PM Terrance Drew unveils ambitious capital projects in St Kitts and Nevis || image credits: PM Terrance Drew

Basseterre, St Kitts and Nevis: Dr Terrance Drew – the Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, has addressed a variety of capital projects in motion under his supervision and leadership for the country’s development in various spheres. 

The topics were discussed during the recently held ‘The Roundtable‘ meeting among the media persons under the theme of “A New Day A Better Way.”

During his address at the roundtable meeting, Prime Minister Terrance Drew took to share the latest updates on national projects with the residents and citizens of St Kitts and Nevis. 

He emphasized that St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) Government has initiated various important projects such as Housing Project, The New Climate-Smart Hospital, and New Basseterre High School to be constructed in the country.

In this context, he further highlighted the significance and need for the developed infrastructure in the Twin Island Federation. He noted that the discussed projects are set to be rolled out by the government in the near future. 

In addition, Prime Minister took to his official social media handle to convey his message to the Kittitians and Nevisians regarding the updates and capital projects.

To do the same, a video clip was shared by PM Drew addressing all the mentioned updates, which stated that “I must mention several capital projects; we are getting ready to roll them out.” 

Furthermore, he continued his remarks and noted that the St Peters ward and Basseterre High School are out for tender. He added that the construction of the new climate-smart hospital had received funding of at least 50 million dollars.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister of the Twin Island Federation, Terrance Drew, has also outlined that the projects will further boost economic activity within the Federation and continue public infrastructure upgrades. 

He also conveyed that the government is also pursuing a 20-million-dollar project to construct better road facilities for the general public, which would be separate from the main road, hospital, school and housing program.

Additionally, PM Drew said that “We have a number of serious capital projects to get started.” He also informed the national public that the above-mentioned projects will get in motion in the coming few weeks.

He concluded his remarks and noted that the governmental plans aim to lift and enhance the national economy in various sectors through infrastructural development.


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